Starting Adkins soon

i am starting Adkins. Any pointers? So far nothing else has worked for me, and i am determined!


  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    Good luck on your new journey. Atkins isn't a temporary's a lifestyle change. It has worked wonders for me, and I look and feel better than I ever have in the last 20 years.

    Do some searches here on MFP...there is a lot of info relating to Atkins. There are also support groups specifically for Atkins.

    Some or our fellow MFP members are not too fond of Atkins, so be prepared to be somewhat bombarded by lackluster and unhelpful comments if you post questions. But don't be afraid to ask the will be answered and supported by the rest of us.

    I can't wait to read your success story. :)
  • CindiBryce
    i am starting Adkins. Any pointers? So far nothing else has worked for me, and i am determined!
    It's called ATkins. I suggest a healthy, balanced diet. Avoid fads. They are not sustainable in the long-term, and might wreak havoc on your health.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I was on it years ago and while I did drop the weight, I had horrible intestinal problems due to the limited diet. I thought it was gall stones and after ultrasounds we narrowed it down to Atkins. I will just say - be very careful.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Oh, and I gained all the weight I lost back.
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    I actually did Atkins several years ago and was successful, however, I gained it all back. I do like my breads and pastas so could not sustain that lifestyle change. There are so many low calorie breads and healthy pasta available today that it makes it easier to eat with portion control. :blushing:
  • brmonet
    brmonet Posts: 30 Member
    I have done the atkins diets twice in the past year. It does work. I just dont recommend staying on it for long periods of time unless you slowly add carbs the longer your on it. I lost my first 40lbs between the Atkins diet and walking 5 miles daily. If you have any questions, I can try to answer them but I would suggest buying an Atkins book that way you can see how many carbs different foods have. I didnt have any problems, but i did it for a week or two and would eat carbs for three days and then start over. I love carbs and its difficult for me to completely eliminate them.
  • brmonet
    brmonet Posts: 30 Member
    And I gained 10lbs back but it also had alot to do with my 3 month cookie binge :/
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
  • sarahsedaii
    sarahsedaii Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful comments! Day 2...not as bad as I thought. Sorry about the misspelling, typing on an iPad is a lot harder than it seems!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I just started Atlkins also. Here are the recipe that save me from breaking induction

    Her catchup and pizza crust is my fav

    and I like my pork rinds toooo much!!
  • Jana9559
    Don't worry, I won't get on your case because you simply misspelled the word Atkins, lol.

    My advice is...go the low carb route but not as intense as Atkins. I did Atkins the book....and you will lose weight, but it is hard to maintain in our society. It did help me realize that sugar is just in too many things we eat. And I feel better and am more focused when I reduce the amount of sugar in my diet. It helps me to think back in time to the 30s, 40s, and 50s....everyone was skinny. We didn't have all the baked goods, pizza, soda, etc. products that we have now. Stay away from sugar and you will be thin forever. I promise you that. It's easier said than done, I know. But if you keep that in your mind, you'll slowly start to reduce or at least now be aware of the amount of sugar or carbs you eat in a day. Because unless you're an athlete and exercise many hours a day, you don't need all that. Hope this was helpful! :)
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Buy the book.

    Read all of it.

    Follow the plan.

    If you don't follow the plan and you quit/fail, don't blame "Atkins". The people that bash it don't understand the science behind ketogenic diets.

    It's easy to successfully lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle following the Atkins plan. It's not a crash diet just to get you to lose weight. If you end up going back to what you did in the past, you will more than likely gain your weight back.
  • amyjeandevlin
    personally, i think there are many other ways to loose weight than to do the dreaded ATKINS diet. It is not healthy to cut food groups out of our diet as they are in there for a reason to provide you with things that your body to help stay healthy.

    also people who i have known personally have suffered from the following from the atkins:

    smelly breath

    air loss


  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466

    It's called ATkins. I suggest a healthy, balanced diet. Avoid fads. They are not sustainable in the long-term, and might wreak havoc on your health.

    1. A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze.
    2. An intense but short-lived fashion; craze
    3. A personal idiosyncrasy or whim

    Atkins first came out in 1972. Hardly a "fad". On the plan, you don't gorge on processed meats and cheeses. What's so unhealthy about eating chicken breast with spinach and olive oil dressing? Also, if it's so unhealthy, why do your blood lipid profiles improve while on the plan?

    You're clearly uneducated on the subject, and I'd suggest you keep to yourself when you know very little about the topic.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    personally, i think there are many other ways to loose weight than to do the dreaded ATKINS diet. It is not healthy to cut food groups out of our diet as they are in there for a reason to provide you with things that your body to help stay healthy.

    also people who i have known personally have suffered from the following from the atkins:

    smelly breath

    air loss



    Fist of all, it's "lose", not "loose". Second, you don't cut out a food group. You still eat fruits and low starch vegetables.

    Next you're going to tell me that I should be consuming more sugar because it's not healthy to totally cut it out.

    The ignorance on these forums is mind blowing.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Oh, and I gained all the weight I lost back.
    This is because you have to accept this as your permanent lifestyle. I learned this the hard way.

    To the research. Lots of it. It's a perfectly healthy diet for SOME people. But you have to do your research. You have to invest the time. Figure out if this is right for you. Don't just try it because you think it might be a quick fix.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    bacon...LOTS of Bacon!!!!! :devil:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Oh, and I gained all the weight I lost back.

    As with any dietary change, if you go back to what you were doing before, you'll end up with the same results as before.
  • kmmurray
    kmmurray Posts: 2 Member
    The adkins diet works! A lot of people like to add that they gained all the weight back , and that's with any diet if you don't make changes. And it's not about not eating carbs after the diets over, but about burning the energy from the carbs off. If you know you like foods that contain a high volume of carbs than you need to add exercise in as a daily habit. I'm currently on the adkins in which I switched from the HCG diet to this and I'm still losing about a .5 a day.
  • BertieGotSkill
    BertieGotSkill Posts: 61 Member
    I did two to three weeks of Atkin's to fit into a dress. Good results, though the lack of bread drove me crazy! Good luck on your journey. :)