Biggest Loser - The TRUTH from the Show



  • New_Hope
    I think part of me always "knew" because as a person with an ED, watching those contestants drop 10-40 lbs in the FIRST WEEK ... That just isn't "normal" not even for people as heavy as the contestants are. I know they even mention on the show about the 5+ hours of working out, but OMG. That is beyond horrible to hear. I'm done watching this show.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Here's another pretty interesting perspective, assuming you haven't read this before:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Here's another pretty interesting perspective, assuming you haven't read this before:

    I think everyone should read EAT by you as well...I printed it off last night, and while at my son's football practice, I sat with a highlighter and read the entire thing. Highlighting helps you pick out points, and reading isn't so mundane. Man that was a good article...and a fantastic website. I knew that Biggest Loser was a joke, just like any reality tv show is. But we have to make sure we're getting ALL our information from credible sources, not just what worked for someone else.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Thanks for sharing......very interesting.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Thanks very much for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the article.
  • IWillWinSkinny
    IWillWinSkinny Posts: 46 Member
    Where's the rest of it? I wana know about her eating disorder
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Here's another truth: Of the 200+ competitors on the show, about 25 have kept MOST of the weight off. Even the winners have put on 35 or more since they've won. Most have gained back a significant portion of weight.
    While I admire the training techniques (I'm of the tough love analogy) and seeing the progress, I don't believe this is a great way to lose weight and don't think it's sustainable as proven by how many contestants fail at staying close to their finishing weights.

    That may be true,, but honestly most of the people who have won, are way too thin and needed to put some weight back on. I know Ally (first female winner) has put a few pounds back on, but she is definitely still thin and is doing really well!

    As for this being old, it's the first time I've read it. Will I stiop watching it, no, do I believe it all, no. And like somebody else said, if it was that bad, they do have the right to leave!
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    I read this back when it came out and followed all the controversy her speaking out caused. I still LOVE the show simply for one fact. Even if the things they may do on the ranch are questionable (sounds like a lot was changed since she "came out") the fact that these people are wanting to change their life, by any means. They have the choice to leave whenever they want. Even if it just gets people up and off the couch motivated to get healthy its a good thing. Especially with obesity being so high in our nation. I know it has helped me get motivated but it also pushed me into doing my own research on HEALTHY loss. AND a high number is possible WITH doing it the right way! I lost 10 pounds last week, my diary is open for all and you can see I didn't work out 6 hours a day, I didn't starve myself, I ate but made better choices.
  • Smittyinthesun2
    I've read stories like this about what the contestants go through, starving, - all day workouts. and lack of sleep, its enough to make someone want to crack. The $250,000 is a good chunk but for what these folks go thru it should be a million.

    I was a Wrestler for the better part of 10 years and have seen the craziest ways people lose weight, jump roping in the sauna wearing a rubber suit was always a favoite of wrestlers. They are now banned by the NCAA and the State High School Associations, but must be ok for adults to do it huh?

    I can tell you that nobody lost 40 pounds in a 7 day week. My Buddy Kenny lost 11 in a 24 hour period but he was too weak to wrestle well. If you lost 40 pounds or like 10 % of your body weight youd be hospitalized.

    Think about it do some simple math.
    40 pounds is 140,000 calories to burn.
    I burn 300 calories a mile walking on the treadmill, and I weigh 350 pounds, so I'd have to walk how far in a week ?

    Try 466 miles in a week or 66 miles a day.
    But hey NBC doesnt want you to know that !

    Sensible diet, stop super sizing and kick up your exercise to an hour a day of cardio, trust me the weight will come off.

    The Biggest Loser is all about ratings, I doubt if skinny people could do some of these things that these chubby folks have to endure. Some of this is just about NBC Exec's embarrassing chubby folks. I like to see a real reality show, with lots of folks from allove the USA, losing weight the real way, maaybe Tv could actually teach insted of just entertain.

    What's the deal with having these old people on the show there is no way they can keep up with the younger folks as I'm sure we will find out..
  • 1goodymom67
    I know!! I stopped watching it b/c it is unrealistic for me or anyone for that matter but thanx for the info :happy:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    What's the deal with having these old people on the show there is no way they can keep up with the younger folks as I'm sure we will find out..

    It's to show people at home who say they are too old or unfit to lose weight, that you can actually do it.

    On the Australian version, s3 i believe, one of the contestants had so many problems he was told that he is now no longer in the running for the prize, as it would be unhealthy for him to push it with that incentive. He stayed on happily though, only walking 30 mins 3 times a day, not allowed to let his heart rate go over 100, and had to have a medic with him whenever he trained.

    I actually prefer the Australian one out of all three tbh, UK, US, and Aus.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Very eye opening and yet some of it wasn't surprising. I remember the first season they had the meal and workouts posted online for free and I almost passed out just from reading it. It's intense!! Q
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Where's the rest of it? I wana know about her eating disorder

    There are links towards the bottom...Part 2 and Part 3. You can read them there.

    Very interesting and disturbing.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    To be honest... she says she was just as happy at 268lbs as now at 144lbs,,, then why go on the show?
    I am SURE that show is hard.... and they do some odd things, but when you are morbidly obese and on TV, what did she think was going to happen? You can't go on an extreme weight loss TV show thinking they are going to give you as good time... the show is weightloss on a timeframe... so obviously they take it seriously.
    One more thing... if ANY of us were put on an extreme program with 5 hour a day workouts.. we sould see extreme weight loss also...but
    the "real" word is about making small changes one day at a time... don't lose respect for it.. just put it into perspective.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks for posting this~ it was "new" to me too.

    It was a VERY interesting read.

    I watched the first few shows and when I saw that what they were doing was something I could NEVER identify with, I just changed the channel.

    To me, the workout program is just unrealistic to most "real" people and seeing the weigh-ins and the HUGE losses (that I always thought were WEEKLY) was just depressing, so that was that.


    I have recently become a BIG fan of Jillian Michaels DVDs and can honestly say that THOSE workouts are changing my entire body!!