Anyone here around 140? or 125?

Im trying to get down to 125 and need a lot of inspiration.


  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    SAME! I would ideally like to be 115-120 but my goal at the moment is between 120-125! Lets inspire each other... we're going to look amazing and most importantly feel amazing. We're finally going to fit into those clothes hiding in the back of the closet that we pretend we no longer like because secretly we know they no longer fit. Every time we try to justify eating something fattening or overeating we're going to think of our goal or look at an old picture of ourselves at our goal weight and say NO..... we're going to have a glass of water or eat a celery stick instead! WE CAN DO IT. I don't know how much you have to lose but by mid November I better be back to my old self :P
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    I'm at 147 trying to get to 125.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    I'm just so annoyed with myself. I do so well for like 5 days - very strict diet - and then binge on the weekends when I have too much time on my hands and not working. Do you have a time frame?
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    I started off at 182 about 2 years ago, but stayed around 145-150 for the past year. In the past 3 months, I've dropped down to 123(ish) pounds.

    The best advice I can give is incredibly cliche, but nothing will help you more than utilizing your own willpower. I've tried every trick in the book to reduce binges and kill my cravings, and they all failed eventually. I finally decided that I was done. I HAD to lose the weight, because the constant ups and downs was driving me mad. After that, there was nothing to decide. I had made my mind up that staying in control was the most important thing. I focused on making each day a step forward, rather than another step back. I made sure to make decisions that I wouldn't regret the next day when I stepped on the scale. I was constantly focused on the idea of the next day's weigh-in, and I did everything I could to make sure it would be a positive experience.

    I had little tricks that I used along the way, for example: drinking tons of water to curb hunger (I'd make sure to down my 24oz bottle before each meal/snack, so I'd fill up faster), going on walks to avoid snacking, planning out future meals, and using this website religiously. But none of these are effective unless you've also made up your mind that you WILL succeed. I was finally sick to death of gaining, sick of not making progress, so I refused to sabotage myself any longer. I was only making myself unhappy by overeating, so why do it? Once I'd done that, the weight loss came much, much easier to me. Taking things one day at a time. Not allowing myself to become frustrated and giving up. Just doing my best. The payoff is really incredible when you have the right mindset.

    By the way, anyone who'd like to add me, feel free. I'm always willing to offer support and advice. :D
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I started off at 75 kilos or 165 lbs. & right now I'm 54.5 kilos or 120 lbs.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Wow do you think being 5 foot 10 and 115 pounds is going to look attractive? I'm sure at 123 you're looking fabolous.
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    Wow do you think being 5 foot 10 and 115 pounds is going to look attractive? I'm sure at 123 you're looking fabolous.

    i'm not sure what i'll look like at 115, but i know i want to weigh less than i do now. to me, i don't look much different, even after losing almost 60 pounds. i have a very warped body image, though. my goal weights keep getting lower and lower as i reach them and still feel unsatisfied.
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Wow do you think being 5 foot 10 and 115 pounds is going to look attractive? I'm sure at 123 you're looking fabolous.

    i'm not sure what i'll look like at 115, but i know i want to weigh less than i do now. to me, i don't look much different, even after losing almost 60 pounds. i have a very warped body image, though. my goal weights keep getting lower and lower as i reach them and still feel unsatisfied.

    But you also have to have realistic expectations as to what you're body can maintain. The question is at 5'10", can you're body HEALTHILY maintain a weight of 115? I am 5'7" and use to weigh 225, but am now down to 141 and have been at this weight for over a year, is it my "ideal"? If I had to be honest, no. My mind tells me that I should be at 135 or so, but I know I can't maintain that weight for long, even with my new healthy lifestyle. I'm not trying to sound like a nag, but I agree that I'm sure you look fabulous at your current weight and hope you see that for yourself too. :)
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    125 is my goal weight too. I was at 127 for most of the past year, but I've crept up a bit to 135 and it's driving me nuts because my clothes are getting tight. Hubs and I were on vacation for a month out of state, so that didn't help things at all, but I am on a mission to get it back down. The smaller losses are always the hardest though, lol.