
rachael421 Posts: 5 Member
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I am not a new member of myfitnesspal.

Have been using the site on and off for around a year. Have recently fallen off the bandwagon and hoping by introducing myself to the community I will stick to my diet plans a little more. I started off weighing 153lbs and think I am down to around 142lbs now. - need to weigh myself ASAP! Im 23 and work in an office 9-5 so find it difficult to find the motivation for exercise.

Hoping to get back on it, and lost another 20lbs!!

good luck to all my fellow dieters!


  • MadameBovary
    MadameBovary Posts: 6 Member

    Am new to MFP someone posted a link on a completely different kind of forum and I was curious and had a look. Decided to join as started diet 2 days ago and have a very long way to go as need to lose about 17 and a half stone in total....and breathe....gonna try thinking of that amount in chunks of half a stone or it's too overwhelming. I'm 37, single, uk based and work long hours in a stressful job but like to abuse my employers time by using their internet sometimes hence the reason I am on here at this time :) Looking for inspiration and support I hope, am vegetarian and already know a lot about nutrition and exercise (funnily enough this isn't my first diet lol) it's the sticking to the things I find difficult.

    Fingers crossed this works, I know it's going to take a very long time but if possible would like to have reached my target weight by the time I'm 40.

    Good luck to my fellow dieters.
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