Fantasy day! - Eat all you can eat, no weight gain!



  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    Isn't this kind of thinking how we all ended up this way in the first place? I think we should have topics that are more geared to getting healthy and losing weight then remembering the ways we got to this point. The fantasy I would like to focus on is losing the weight and feeling healthier and fit. What are some of the reasons we are monitoring our food closer?

    1. Lose weight
    2. Be healthier
    3. Have more energy
    4. Fit into those "skinny" jeans
    5. Improve our self esteem and attitude

    I do agree with this. I also agree with a fantasy meal. However, for myself, I do not keep it as a fantasy. If I am craving something decadent, I allow myself to have it. Enjoying a dinner out with my husband, or having an ooey gooey dessert, keeps me from allowing a craving to turn into a binge. I feel everything in moderation is fine. Instead of entire pint of B&J ice cream, I get one of the single serve containers. A 190 calorie treat is fine, at least for me.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    I'll have a little of what everybody said! oh, and an entire pumpkin pie with an entire container of cool whip on top. the full fat kind!!! mmmmmmm
  • lou1604
    OMG i am liking this ....

    Ok for me ...

    1) Steak with double cream,chive and parmesan sauce with hand cut chips and veg
    2) Roast Pork Dinner with stuffing, yorkies, potatoes gravy and veg with a pudding of apple crumble and custard !
    3) My homemade Paella with a bottle of wine and a Cadbury Fruit N Nut
    4) TGI Friday's Buffalo Wings to start followed by Fahjitas !

    *grumble grumble tummy * .... oh well best drink a pint of water ! ha ha
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    Isn't this kind of thinking how we all ended up this way in the first place? I think we should have topics that are more geared to getting healthy and losing weight then remembering the ways we got to this point. The fantasy I would like to focus on is losing the weight and feeling healthier and fit. What are some of the reasons we are monitoring our food closer?

    1. Lose weight
    2. Be healthier
    3. Have more energy
    4. Fit into those "skinny" jeans
    5. Improve our self esteem and attitude

    You are such a boring person! hahahahahahahaha There is a major difference between fantasy and goals. If you fantasy is to lose weight, then thats pretty sad; but if its your goal then good work and keep it up!

    I have to agree with you. I got into this situation because of all my bad choices. However, I know that I can never ban those bad choices... everything is in moderation. I know that if I exercise and step up my fitness...I can go out on a Friday night and eat those darn cheese fries! If I banned myself, I would fall off the wagon for sure. I'll be the first girl to admit - I love food. I love the sensation of food and the action of chewing. I'm a mindless eater. It's fun to fantasize about what is out there - I did it yesterday on Facebook, especially with the State Fair of Texas starting this week...I'll workout extra hard to enjoy a Fletcher's Corny Dog! I've lost 15 pounds since August 23rd, by changing my habits...eating better... exercising harder. I've reaped the benefits of having a PR at a 10k this past weekend, clothes fit better, non-scale victories of co-workers telling me that they can see the difference already because they see me with a slimmer face, etc. Sometimes when the cravings get intense when I see others eating what I'm avoiding, I find a compromise... i.e. - a baked potato from Wendy's versus a plain jane from Jason's Deli... it gets me the potato, without all the bad stuff that got me in this situation to start with.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    1. Donuts
    2. Sweet and our chicken and rice (takeaway)
    3. Chocolate fudge cake with hot chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream
    4. ham and pineapple deep pan pizza with cheese filled crust
    5. nachos with sour cream, guacamole, jalapenos and salsa and melted cheese

    wow. i think id be sick if i did get my fantasy day!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    1. Donuts
    2. Sweet and our chicken and rice (takeaway)
    3. Chocolate fudge cake with hot chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream
    4. ham and pineapple deep pan pizza with cheese filled crust
    5. nachos with sour cream, guacamole, jalapenos and salsa and melted cheese

    wow. i think id be sick if i did get my fantasy day!

    i was gunna say most of that too! and add some cookies caked chocolate etc haha anyone would think i have a sweet tooth? :P xxx
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Ill just my favourite dessert ...

    A big bowl of Clotted Cream Ice Cream, with a dollop of Clotted Cream on top, covered in crushed up chocolate flakes! :D
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    Is "everything" an acceptable answer?! Cause on my fantasy day, I would eat and eat and eat. But mostly I would want

    1) Pueblo Green Chili
    2) Slopper =]
    3) 2 quarter-pounder meals from mcdonalds
    4)A whole dominos pizza
    5) Gallon of Blue Bell chocolate ice-cream

  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    Isn't this kind of thinking how we all ended up this way in the first place? I think we should have topics that are more geared to getting healthy and losing weight then remembering the ways we got to this point. The fantasy I would like to focus on is losing the weight and feeling healthier and fit. What are some of the reasons we are monitoring our food closer?

    1. Lose weight
    2. Be healthier
    3. Have more energy
    4. Fit into those "skinny" jeans
    5. Improve our self esteem and attitude

    I agree but we're all human too and it's fun to indulge... honestly its proven to help people on a diet when they can eat what they enjoy and reap the rewards of their own hard work, plus I like the idea of a diet break every now and again. If I lose 10 lbs, I'm not going to turn around and tell myself "no! you can never go out and enjoy a nice meal (that might be a little higher in calories) every once in a while" our bodies are actually pretty used to the use and abuse and with a little hard work it can work it off.

    At the top of my list (in no particular order) would be:

    1. Dairy Queen Soft Serve Blizzard
    2. Starbucks Venti Java Chip Frappaccino with Whip (extra java chips & whip please!)
    3. New York Style Pizza... lots of it!
    4. Cheeseburger... better yet Philly Cheesesteak!
    5. Red Lobster Bread Basket
    I'm sure there's something better that I just can't think of because I haven't had any of this stuff in soo long. lol

    And then I'd get me a tub of Pepto Bismol cause I'd be sickkkk!!
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    So, from breakfast to dessert:

    (1) Creamy chorizo cheese grits topped with two poached eggs, a side of extra crispy hashbrowns, and fresh-squeezed orange juice

    (2) Grilled extra-sharp cheddar cheese Mexi-burger topped with bacon, avocado, and grilled onions with beer-battered onion rings and spicy chipotle dipping sauce, and a Guiness

    (3) Assortment of sushi and sashimi made to order, a plate of kaki furai (Japanese style fried oysters) , and premium sake

    (4) Thick-crust pizza topped with pepperoni, sausage, peppers, onions, mushrooms, olives, and extra cheese and hefeweizen.

    (5) Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream accopanized with a Bordeaux
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    In no particular order

    1) a big fresh quiche from the best bakery in the valley, served hot with mustard
    2) a loaf of fresh bread (probably Norwegian) with butter and assorted cheeses and meats
    3) crispy fried chicken wings from Monkey and an equally sized bowl of MBC crisscut fries and onion dipping sauce
    4) a family bag of salt and pepper crinkle crisps with aoli, tzaziki and shop bought hummus for dipping
    5) fish and chips!!!! With homemade tartare sauce.

    These are all things I tend to deny myself as I struggle to stop at a reasonable portion.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    1) Biscuits & Gravy
    2) Deep Dish Meat Pizza
    3) Steak Egg & Cheese bagel
    4) Chocolate Chip Pancakes w/Pecans
    5) Reeses Pieces or Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I still have my fantasy foods, but just in moderation, but if I had to come up with a single, awesomely disgusting meal.....

    Appetizer-Awesome Blossom
    Soup-Lobster Bisque or a good Potato Soup
    Salad-the one from Olive Garden
    Meal-Honey BBQ Ribs
    Sides-Sweet potato fries
    Desert-Dairy Queen Mocha MooLatte (the large)
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    Large whopper meal with just the meat and bun (no fillings)
    McFlurry from McDonald's (not sure about flavour.. maybe caramel)
    Margherita pizza with thin crust
    Beef Schnitzel
    2 Large Cherry Ripes

    ah, the good old days
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    In no particular order...

    1. Lg Pizza - doesn't matter what kind - just a whole freaking pizza!
    2. Oven baked cheese tortellini
    3. Large cheesequake blizzard from DQ
    4. Whopper with cheese and a side of onion rings with mayo
    5. 1 meal of nothing but candy, so much candy that I get that sick feeling from it. Like Nibs, hot lips, sweedish berries... etc.

    I have lots of vices... good thing I haven't eaten any of this crap for the past 2-3 months!
  • Sweetcheeks278
    OMG! I daydream about this sometimes too! Glad I'm not the only one! lol
    Mine would definitely involve CHOCOLATE and lots of it!!
  • Molly_Louise
    I think I would eat everything in my entire house!
  • Molly_Louise
    Can someone please tell me what on earth biscuits and gravy is?! In England the two of these do NOT go together - what on earth is a biscuit?! I know what gravy is, unless that's different too!
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    I've gotta join this fantasy later, but need to go to work now. Can't wait to dream.......
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Can someone please tell me what on earth biscuits and gravy is?! In England the two of these do NOT go together - what on earth is a biscuit?! I know what gravy is, unless that's different too!

    Its a white sausage gravy.. spread over biscuits..