jaw wired shut!!



  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    Om my goodness, that sounds horrible! I hope you find plenty of good recipes!
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    As someone who had their jaw wired shut for 6 weeks, I can honestly sympathize. Definitely get yourself some Ensure, it is the best way for you to be sure that you're getting all of the vitamins/nutrition that you need. Pick up a good strainer if you don't have one, so that you can strain the foods that you puree and make sure there aren't bits that can get stuck in your teeth and clog the few openings you have to get food down your throat. Don't even think that if the bits are 'small enough', you can make it work. You probably can't. lol

    Some things that I relied on were watery mashed potatoes, protein shakes (whey protein and almond milk), soup run through a blender and strained, slightly melted milk shakes (you're getting SO few calories as it is, a milk shake is a good way to bulk up your calories), Ensure (at least 1-2 a day).

    It's going to be hard, I won't lie, and by the end you'll be DESPERATE for flavor (I got to the point where I would stick my finger in a container of BBQ sauce and suck it off of my finger because I just wanted something with flavor!). You can do it, though, and remember - it's only 4-6 weeks.

    Now, remember, when the time is up, DON'T go pig out because you're so happy to be able to eat. You need to ease back in to chewing food and start slow. Otherwise your stomach will revolt and you'll be left with a very sore jaw afterwards from all of that chewing.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to drop me a message!
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you Jemko that is very helpful