What I Miss Most--Top 10 List of "Bad" Foods

Good Morning--Here's some humor for everyone struggling with their own diets. From my weekly blog post. BTW--If anyone has been my bagel please let me know--see #7 below.--Matt

Good Morning--Ok it is the end of Week #1 and I would like to start off with a David Letterman-style Top 10 List.

Foods I Miss Most

10. Chicken Wings. If I eat 10 of them that shoots about half my food intake allowed for the day. Steelers games are NOT the same.

9. Cheese and crackers. I love cheese I am amazed at how much it was a part of my diet. I would have been a great Frenchman cause I love cheese, wine and women. BTW they all go great together! :)

8. Salt. I often joked about wanting a salt lick for Christmas (if you don't know what it is look it up and you'll understand why I am sad. My sodium intake is WAY down.

7. Bread. From that Texas Toast in the morning to a great bagel with cream cheese and triple bacon, I miss bread. Dinners with warm rolls (crusty on the outside) and lots of butter are apparently a no-no as well.

6. Sauces. I love to cook, and apparently many of the sauces that are my favorites are diet killers, so much for a great burre blanc.

5. Sandwiches. See Bread above, but also lunchmeat is really not great for the diet. I ate one almost 3-4 times per week. Miracle Whip used to be my buddy. How he says I am a hater. Harsh!!!

4. Margaritas. Too much sugar. I will have to go to body shots instead. Now to find a willing partner. . .

3. Soda. While I was mostly drinking Diet Pepsi or Coke Zero. Sodium and all the artifical sweeteners are not good for me. The economy of Atlanta is suffering, now that I am not drinking my 2-3 liters a day.

2. Snacks. Name it I like it. I lived in Hershey, Pa. for six years and have a chocolate addiction that only women would understand. When stressed out--each chocolate problem solved. Add in pretzels, chips and other crap best consumed for no other reason than to keep my hands busy.

1. Comfort Foods, Let's see. No more White Castle, 5 for $5 Arbys (yes all five), enchaladas, Skyline Chilli, cream of whatever soup, and on and one. Almost everything I ate, was bad for me.

So with all that said, week one is in the books. I got measured, started exercising including cardio work five times per week and lifting (for the first time in my life three). Remarkably I am not a sore as I should be. But the real weight work starts in Week 2 stay tunes for next weeks blog and Top 10 list of why lifting is similar to S&M.

Thanks to Joel and Danielle at LA Fitness Cincinnati for setting up my program. Also thanks to Adriane for setting up my diet. Getting ready for two weeks on the road for work. We will see how come out of the trip.

Week 1 stats: SW (9-21-11): 208 CW: 203 Body Fat 26.2%

Neck 16.2 Chest 42.75, Shoulders 48, Waist 40, Hips 42.75, biceps (both 12.5), Thigh R23 L 22.25, Calf R 16 L15.75


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    you know you can literally eat all the above foods and still lose weight, just account for them in your daily cals. makes dieting much easier to eat foods you like
  • boilermakerblaw
    Wow..your "bad" foods aren't all that terrible! My list would be so much worse than yours!!! You must be really behaving!
  • speakz82
    I love homemade mac n cheese. Guess that falls under cheese, but I make a delicious 5 cheese mac n cheese, and it was so good. I don't really miss bad food that much but that is one food I love. I only make it once a year now (at Thanksgiving) and limit myself to one serving.
  • lovinlife71
    LOVE this post!!!!!!
  • rrrbecca11
    You've made a lifesaving move. Most of the foods you listed are life-shorteners. Good luck. Keep your eye on the prize.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    you know you can literally eat all the above foods and still lose weight, just account for them in your daily cals. makes dieting much easier to eat foods you like

    this ^^
  • melissabee31
    I definitely agree that salt, chicken wings, and anything from Arby's should just be dropped for anyone looking to lose weight. However, like the guy before me said, you can still eat plenty of this. A sandwich? Really? I eat peanut butter and jelly or lunchmeat sandwiches almost every day. Find a lower calorie bread - like whole wheat (only 70 cal a slice), and low sodium lunch meat, and low fat mayo. Add some mustard for about 10 calories, and you have a very low cal sandwich.

    As much as you may not want to hear it, dieting is not supposed to be about what you "can" and "cannot" eat. If you put everything into categories of what you can and cannot have, you're setting yourself up for trouble. As most people on here refer to dieting, consider it a "lifestyle change." If chicken wings and Arby's mozarella sticks are you thing (ohh yeah...) then let yourself have them once in a while.

    I'm on a diet and I still have a donut once in a while. And a chocolate bar. Yeah, the whole thing. It's all about balance, not saying no to the oreos and pizza forever, period, you know?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You've made a lifesaving move. Most of the foods you listed are life-shorteners. Good luck. Keep your eye on the prize.

    que? what of the foods listed is a life shortener if eaten in moderation?
  • mhughescmu
    mhughescmu Posts: 26 Member
    SpeakZ82 --Homemake mac and cheese rocks, add in some southern fried chicken, grits (cheese of course) and some cornbread slathered in butter and now you're talking.

    GREAT JOB losing 100 pounds. Hottie in the House :smile:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You've made a lifesaving move. Most of the foods you listed are life-shorteners. Good luck. Keep your eye on the prize.


    Care to explain exactly what you mean?
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I still ate all that stuff and lost 40 pounds before I joined MFP. The trick was not eating it all at once. maybe a cheat day every once.in a while. it's hard to do it though you have to know moderation.
  • speakz82
    SpeakZ82 --Homemake mac and cheese rocks, add in some southern fried chicken, grits (cheese of course) and some cornbread slathered in butter and now you're talking.

    GREAT JOB losing 100 pounds. Hottie in the House :smile:

    haha, thanks!

    That does sound delish - may have to mix things up & try something like that on Turkey Day.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    I still ate all that stuff and lost 40 pounds before I joined MFP. The trick was not eating it all at once. maybe a cheat day every once.in a while. it's hard to do it though you have to know moderation.

    This is what I do as well, with the exception of the cheat day.
  • kristinathenina
    I have the cure for the chicken wings: take boneless skinless chicken breasts, dice them, put in plastic bag with 1/4c franks buffalo sauce (or your favorite- look for one without fat) per lb. Let marinade for 30min-1 hour. Spray a nonstick pan with cooking spray and cook half a lb at a time (don't stand too close to steam unless trying to clear a stuffy nose). I serve mine with 1/4c cup fat free ranch, carrots and celery. For a half a lb of chicken (TONS) its less than 250 calories with tiny amount of fat.
  • rrrbecca11
    You've made a lifesaving move. Most of the foods you listed are life-shorteners. Good luck. Keep your eye on the prize.


    Care to explain exactly what you mean?

    Yeah, it's pretty self-explanatory. The foods he listed are predominately foods which will subtract years from your life rather than add, especially if eaten frequently. The White Castle, the Arbys, the alcohol, the lunch meat, the soda, the chicken wings, etc., etc. Calories are NOT everything. There is a little thing called NUTRITION. I think you knew what I meant and are trying to provoke an argument, which you will not get. I simply stated my opinion, which is based on a TON of research and 54 years of experience. I am 5'7" and weigh 120 pounds and have more energy than I know what to do with, am rarely and I mean RARELY sick, sleep like a baby, and am fit and toned and I eat ZERO of the foods he listed. And besides, I was speaking to the poster, who has made a lifesaving move. To each his own opinion. :)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I really don't miss anything, because if I want it, I will find a way to work it in. I used to LOVE cheese and REALLY thought I was going to miss it, but since cutting it out, I really don't miss it like I thought I would. Now, one of these days, or maybe after my competition, I am going to go to Denny's and order that heart attack platter - Big Daddy Paddy Melt. (yes, I'm dead serious) lmfao :laugh:
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    l don't wanna sound like I am hitting on u or anything but u have an awesome body! Great work sculpting those abs!
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    Big Macs
    Super loaded nachos -- complete with sour cream guac and all the bad stuff.
    Chili Cheese Fries --- any kind of fries really. lol

    that's all i can think of right now...i'm sure there's more!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You've made a lifesaving move. Most of the foods you listed are life-shorteners. Good luck. Keep your eye on the prize.


    Care to explain exactly what you mean?

    Yeah, it's pretty self-explanatory. The foods he listed are predominately foods which will subtract years from your life rather than add, especially if eaten frequently. The White Castle, the Arbys, the alcohol, the lunch meat, the soda, the chicken wings, etc., etc. Calories are NOT everything. There is a little thing called NUTRITION. I think you knew what I meant and are trying to provoke an argument, which you will not get. I simply stated my opinion, which is based on a TON of research and 54 years of experience. I am 5'7" and weigh 120 pounds and have more energy than I know what to do with, am rarely and I mean RARELY sick, sleep like a baby, and am fit and toned and I eat ZERO of the foods he listed. And besides, I was speaking to the poster, who has made a lifesaving move. To each his own opinion. :)

    So if I eat an Arbys sandwich, drink a glass of wine, have a turkey deli sandwich, and eat a basket of chicken wings while watching the football game, then I'm going to lose years off my life? Because you have 54 years of experience and have done "a TON of research"?

    Not trying to argue or provoke anything, but could you please cite studies or your research that proves eating these things will make you lose your life? I'd be interested in reading it.
  • mmensah
    mmensah Posts: 42 Member
    I read your list and half the stuff you mentioned you can eat and make it low in fat...Like the hot wings baked them and get the low fat Red hot sauce ..with lowfat ranch taste the same just healthier...or you can also fry in vegetable oil and still be healthy..

    Enchaladas you can still eat just make yourself they have 100 calorie wrap low fat cut up chicken breast or you can bake one yourself they have low fat cheese and light velveta...

    hot dogs eat turkey hot dogs taste good get the smoke turkey and broil them...120 calories with lite kroger hotdog buns 60 cal

    use mccormicks low sodium salt...I made the best jamblaya the other day could not tell the differnce ...low sodium zaterens jambalya mix and smoke turkey sausage OMG wonderful..

    turkey meat get all low sodium and eat the aunt millie 30 calorie bread with low fat miracle whip still taste the same...or use wonder bread 100% whole grain 2 slices is 120n calories

    you can make your own arby roast beef go to the store and asked the deli what the best substiute for roast beef on light kroger bun with seasem seed wonderful...use light sweet ray barbecue taste wonderful

    pizza use the 90 cal pita bread turkey pepperoni 20 of them 100 cal and light pizza sauce 2tblespoon 40 calories and low fat mozzerell cheese OMG wonderful...

    Since i have been eating healthy i have just been substituting and it taste just as good my daughter does not even notice the differnce in what we eat...all it is, is eating more cautions thats it...