Hello! Just getting started

I've made a conscious decision to "Just Do It". I'm going to get the weight off and keep it off this time. Can anyone offer some insight on how to stay motivated. I'm at a loss....I've always been able to get started, but I get discouraged and give up. I don't want to do that this time.

I've also started a semi vegetarian way of eating. Does anyone have any helpful hints on that.



  • OliveJuice821
    Actually, I find this site to be some great motivation on its own. Seeing exactly what you're eating everyday gets you to make healthier food choices. When you log in exercise and see just how many calories you can burn doing simple things like housework? It's definitely a good boost! Not to mention all the support and encouragement from the forums and members.

    On here, you can be friends with anyone, and you'll be guaranteed a bunch of "great job!"s and "Way to go!/WTG!"s :-) Almost everyone here has the goal to lose weight, so they're right there with you knowing what you're going through.

    As for the vegetarian thing, I would suggest making sure you eat enough fruits/veggies/legumes that have the iron and protein you would normally get from the meats. It's a little tricky, but it's definitely healthy!

    Good luck with everything!