Cardio machine recommendation...

To the pros out there...what do you recommend for best calorie burn? I have a lot to lose and was to be as effective as possible. I've been doing the traditional elliptical at my gym and I love it. It works me out, makes me sweat and I can do 40 minutes.

I was told recently that ellipticals aren't the best machine for weight loss. Too much momentum etc....

So I tried out an Octane Elliptical today. It was crazy tough. I could barely finish my 30 minutes...and I was slow as it was hard...and in the end it showed I burned almost 1/2 less calories than I do on the elliptical. Does that matter?

And I've heard the Arc is even I might try that one tomorrow.

So...for all you cardio gurus...what are your thoughts?


  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Ellipitcals and running/intervals on a treadmill are your best bet period. Even my bf who is a trainer and coach agrees next to me :) Burns the most cals in its time.

    Also from a personal experience- the stair master KILLS ME. the machine doesnt say i burn a lot but if im on there for 10 minutes im soaked.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i can tell you that i would marry the elliptical if it was legal....
    i love the elliptical machine, it works all your major muscles and i can tell a big difference in my booty looks lifted and tighter....even my sister felt it and confirmed it..hheheeheheh....hope this helps in a goofy way
  • neekalatti
    neekalatti Posts: 6 Member
    Every1's body is a lil different I guess, but 4 me, where I see the most calories burned and actual weight loss is with the eliptical and the stair master and I've tried those 2 as well as treadmills, stationary bikes, and jogging on my own over the last 7 years...I would say try different things and see what gives u the best results and also which u like doing better, because if you like it, you'll do it, if you don't like, you'll never want 2 do it lol...Good Luck!!! :)
  • maurea
    Personally, I love my Octane elliptical! I feel it has a different feel and challenges me more than most ellipticals. I definitely tire faster an Octane than others like Lifefitness or Cybex (personal preference, I'm not in sales). Ellipticals are far easier on the joints, knees, posture, etc. Another tidbit, don't rely on the calorie burn as an exact but more as a guide. Challenge yourself to keep with the Octane and increase your time by a minute or two every week, those mini milestones will keep you motivated. Mix it up with other cardio to work all your muscle groups at different levels too - Good luck!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I use thel treadmill for 30 minutes a the weight loss setting. And the ellipitcal and free weights.
    Im not sure if its enough. Any other ideas. There's a spin bike there. But there's no dvd for it or instructions ...
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    I go to gold's gym and use a precor adaptive motion trainer. I break a sweat immediately and everything hurts after. I actually don't use it every single time cause it is so darn HARD! I burn between 7-10 cals/minute on it whereas on a regular elliptical I usually burn 6-7 cals/minute. I recommend it. Maybe other machines are similar to this one and I just didn't know about it until I joined gold's. I also find I use my arm muscles more on it than a regular elliptical. I'm also really short, and I feel like some brands of ellipticals are an awkward movement for me but not the AMT.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I used to stick with the elliptical and the arc trainer. But I have recently started mixing things up. I thought the bike was boring, but I hit the "random hill" button one day and sweat my rear off. It says I didn't burn as many calories but I was drenched, so I've started doing it from time to time. Arc trainer is one of my fav's but mess around with the resistance and incline to get a good burn, or push the "cardio" button on it. Good luck!