I am what I am, on the road to finding me again...

All of my life I struggled with my weight. I was overweight through all of my teenage years, struggled day to day with all of the obstacles that derived from this. Getting older I decided to make a change, in less than a year I lost 95 lbs. I kept this weight off for about 2 years and at the age of 26 I became sick and gained everything back. To make a long story short, I suffer from severe dizzy spells that would keep me from being able to work out any longer without fainting. Numerous doctors and years later, I still have no official diagnosis. I've been misdiagnosed more times that I can count. Recently, I started seeing a cardiologist. After losing my father in February due to a very shocking heart attack, I thought this would be the right thing to do. I'm 32 years old, know that I have thyroid disease and fluid build up in my heart . I need to fix this now!!! I'm starting to feel less dizzy. I've lost 35 lbs. and am striving to lose at least 50 more. After all the heartbreak (a divorce, losing my mother, my aunt, my grandfather, cousin, and most recently, my father) I need to strive to become the person I once was. I met a fantastic man, who loves me for me, and is more than supportive with everything I do.

I am writing this as a diary, as a day to day reminder that I can be what I once was. That I can look in the mirror and see what my friends, family and loved ones see. To feel better again, be energetic....and find me.