Is taking medicine really a valid excuse to be overweight?



  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Psych meds are notorious for weight gain, not all, but many of them. When you consider these meds are altering the chemical balance in your brain, I don't find it a stretch to believe they can cause weight gain.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    How is asking a valid question being snarky?

    "Just wondering if anyone other than myself who doesn't believe in the built in excuse about the medicine. "

    You weren't really asking for additional information that was so kindly provided to you. Your question specifically asked if there were others like you who simply believed overweight people who blamed their meds were lazy and/or just making excuses. Snarky, by definition.

    Yeah it was kind of snarky. And its clear you don't have a lot of knowledge on the subject...I could easily see how your post could be found hurtful or rude, although I don't think you had malicious intentions.

    I would have to agree, thought the same myself...

    Can't remember the name if the medication but it was for depression,
    30lbs later I was even more depressed because of the weight and stopped taking it.

    Would like to also point as I believe someone else has done, they do clinical studies on medications to find out A. If the medication works and B. What side effects the medications may have. The side effects are not based on how much a person exercises or eats, its based off the medication so you may want to keep that in mind.

    Have a great day!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Just wondering why one would start a forum post just to be snarky?

    Why are people so quick to call someone snarky around here?

    I think it's the inner snark that call out others' [un]implied snark. Like cheaters who accuse their significant others of cheating.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    It seemed like a valid comment/question to me.

    It is her opinion on the matter, and she was curious if others agreed. Seeking out others opinions and challenging your own opinions seems rather open-minded. Perhaps it could have been worded more gently, but - it was an opinion.

    Science can't even agree on the matter - there is "proof" and scientific evidence that appears to support and refute the claims. I love the debate.

    (Now I'm just waiting to see how long before the thread is closed because I'm sure someone will feel perhaps someone else could have been perceived as attacked)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Yes, it can be. I was skinny as a kid and teen and then reached a weight I was happy with, maintained that weight with ease for 20 years and 4 pregnancies then WHAM, a respiratory disease struck, multiple high dose courses of steroids, lack of mobility (and stupidly forgetting to cut portion size when my mobility decreased) saw over 7 stone pile on in under 2 years.

    Losing the weight is proving very challenging too...still on steroids, mobility is very low and then to put the boot in further my v02MAX is at less than half of what it should be meaning calories burned are very low...thats if my chest will allow me to even get my heart rate up enough to burn anything. 5 minutes on the elliptical usually has me using my sprays in excess, 2 before, 2 during and half an hour of 2 sprays every 10 minutes to get my breathing and coughing under control...kinda sucks!

    I'm not using it as an excuse but it is a valid reason.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Many medications have been proven to slow metabolism, or change the way the body chesmistry works in relation to burning energy. Proven in labs and studies. that is why they have to list it as a side effect in the first place. Proven.

  • moonievidler
    moonievidler Posts: 11 Member
    You've never been on prednisone, have you.

    I have been on the pred roller coaster for two years now. I can't lose on it... only gain. Off it.. I am back to myself. You have to remember that these drugs can do many horrible things to you such as eurythmia... I was not allowed to exercise. Now... different story. Please keep an open mind.

    We are all here for a reason - mine happens to be steroid drugs that I have needed to live.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    How is asking a valid question being snarky?

    "Just wondering if anyone other than myself who doesn't believe in the built in excuse about the medicine. "

    You weren't really asking for additional information that was so kindly provided to you. Your question specifically asked if there were others like you who simply believed overweight people who blamed their meds were lazy and/or just making excuses. Snarky, by definition.

    Not really. I think it was an honest question.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Just wondering why one would start a forum post just to be snarky?

    Why are people so quick to call someone snarky around here?

    I think it's the inner snark that call out others' [un]implied snark. Like cheaters who accuse their significant others of cheating.

    Could be.
  • krissykross
    My daughter was on meds for Bipolar and some of them caused a lot of weight gain, despite diet and exercise, she couldn't get to her normal weight-that in turn caused more depression. When her meds changed the weight came off and she STOPPED working out and eating well, so it was a double edged sword.

    This is exactly what happened to me. 30 pounds in a month, and I'm just now starting to lose some of the weight.
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    Opinion and belief don't equal fact. Some people still believe the earth is flat. Your belief is incorrect. Some people may use medicine as an excuse but that doesn't mean quite a few medicines don't cause weight gain in many people.