Why you will NEVER lose weight doing just weight-lifting!



  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member

    Also, this is off topic; but a good read.

    Only halfway through, but THAT is a great article! Thanks!
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    kneeki: not sure what side of the bed you woke up on this morning, but this is just a thought experiment. The title was to get people just to read the darn thing, and I'm preeeeetty sure I didn't end up making any recommendations that aren't already common knowledge; combine diet, cardio, and weight-lifting to acheive your goals.
    I guess I woke up on the side that makes me fierce. ;)

    Your titling of this is what upsets me most. People come looking for facts. More often than not, people often find something on the net, and spout it as an absolute via word of mouth, or some other social mechanism. I've got no doubt someone read what you wrote, and took it as 100% accurate. I'm not saying someone gave up in their goals simply because you made the post. But it's the same detrimental path. If you really want to help the community via this scientific method, account for as many variables as you can, and get it right! Studies take years for a reason. Napkin math is napkin math. ;)
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I did nothing but lift weights for the past 21 years, only recently did i incorporate cardio into my lifestyle along with cross fit type interval training. I'm with knneki on this one bro, be careful what you post, people on here are new to dieting and weight lifting, so if you tell them not to lift weights which will help them then they wont.. You know weight lifting is good for everyone whatever their goal is so why confuse them with these calculations? This is as bad as a fad diet craze giving those who were maybe on the fence of deciding to incorporate weight lifting into their routine a chance to back out based on this post, so they lose all the benefits of weight lifting...surely you can see that...I am sure your message was sincere but if it talked people out of lifting weights, be it actual weights or bodyweight, what did you accomplish?
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    I would hope that anyone who could actually FOLLOW what I wrote would be above and beyond accepting random bits of advice. Maybe the title was a little sensationalist and maybe I should have put this in the chit-chat area, I apologize, b/c it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but I can't change that now anyways. If I really have the power to talk people into/out of things with random bits of math, then my apologies again, there are far more devious things I can do to undermine the man and establish my base of supreme POWA!

    At the same time, I wasn't aware fierce = name-calling & personal attacks via teh interwebs. I'm sure it was simply math-nerd induced rage as can be seen when someone is vehemently opposed to a statement.
    Irresistible tangent, I read about the ****arounditis earlier today and agree that it is an awesome article!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I don't know the equations personally but if what you say is true, then the act of actually lifting the weight may not burn a significant amount of calories but a second order effect is an increased heart rate. If I'm averaging 120 - 145 bpm over the course of 60 minutes of weight lifting, my body is burning almost 1000 calories. Same for a run where my heart rate is in the same zone. The results of each, completely different.