

  • shesblossoming
    Please enlighten me as to how a placebo allows someone to lose over 50 pounds and GAIN 3 pounds of muscle while consuming 500 - 600 calories per day. There is something else, physiologically happening.

    Wow, you've lost that much weight since June on the HCG diet? I've lost almost the same amount of weight just eating right and exercising. I am absolutely not saying you've done the wrong thing. I congratulate you on your loss. However, my approach to weight loss is to make this a change that is sustainable and life long... and cheaper.
  • blindwebguy
    I'd be happy to share all of my BIA details that show the measurement of lean body mass and pounds in fat. I have another test in 3 weeks. I'll report again then.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    What's HCG? Never heard of it.
  • blindwebguy
    I followed a program that based my calorie intake off BMR for 18 months. I was eating "right" and not losing any weight. I have tried program after program. This one worked for me. May not be right for everyone, I just would not want someone to discount the option based on price. Yes, it was expensive. But it was worth it to me. At the end of the day, that is what matters... that it works and that I am getting healthier.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Actually I think you nailed it Scott, that is the only way possible to do what he said he did. I still don't see it without working out.
    Wow HCG must be like the miracle pill we've all been waiting for. *sarcasm*

    HCG plays on our desperation.

    Listen you don't need to starve yourself to lose weight, and to the guy who gained "muscle" while starving and not working out, I call Bull *kitten*.

    HCG is a great way to lose weight and end up with a messed up metabolism and at the best be "skinny-fat"

    Actually maybe he forgot to mention he took steroids along with pregnant women's piss :-/
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I followed a program that based my calorie intake off BMR for 18 months. I was eating "right" and not losing any weight. I have tried program after program. This one worked for me. May not be right for everyone, I just would not want someone to discount the option based on price. Yes, it was expensive. But it was worth it to me. At the end of the day, that is what matters... that it works and that I am getting healthier.

    Did you try eating only 5-600 calories a day, without HCG?
  • blindwebguy
    ha ha ha - you're funny. HCG natually stimulates testosterone production - so maybe that helped. Not sure. That would explain why I lost .5 lbs of muscle after ending the HCG and while losing 10 more pounds and working out.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    What's HCG? Never heard of it.

    Sunkiss be glad you haven't.

    Just so you know the FDA has a Fraud Warning out on it.
    It will cause you to lose hair, mess up your hormones, and destroy your metabolism.
  • blindwebguy
    No - however 2 years ago I tried to lower my calories to 1200 - 1400 per day... that was not sustainable for me. I was grouchy all the time and was weak and tired.

    Hmmm - How was I able to sustain this time while on the HCG? Oh, yeah... the HCG releases up to 2000 calories per day to protect you from going into starvation mode.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    What's HCG? Never heard of it.

    Sunkiss be glad you haven't.

    LOL look at my post-count. You know I've heard of it. :bigsmile:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    No - however 2 years ago I tried to lower my calories to 1200 - 1400 per day... that was not sustainable for me. I was grouchy all the time and was weak and tired.

    Hmmm - How was I able to sustain this time while on the HCG? Oh, yeah... the HCG releases up to 2000 calories per day to protect you from going into starvation mode.

    Where is your factual source of information on this?
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Starvation Mode is when your body releases too much fat for energy for too long. The hormone that causes it LEPTIN is in our fat cells. Trust me you will go into starvation mode but at 500 calories it doesn't really matter because you'd continue losing weight albeit at a slower rate.
    It's like the same as anorexia.

    It's ok, I'm glad it has worked for you, but I could not with a clear conscious ever recommend it to anyone.

    I will enjoy my pizza and ice cream while getting ripped. I live the greatest lifestyle a fat person could ever live.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Sorry girly, I'm not that keen on sarcasm :embarassed:
    What's HCG? Never heard of it.

    Sunkiss be glad you haven't.

    LOL look at my post-count. You know I've heard of it. :bigsmile:
  • blindwebguy
    "Where is your factual source of information on this?"

    On my experience? My experience is what it is. I can only attest to my personal experience. Will this work for everyone. NOPE - It did not work at all for my wife. She had to stop after 2 weeks. But my numbers don't lie. I weighed 355 on June 15 of this year. Today I weigh 293. That's a fact. :)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    "Where is your factual source of information on this?"

    On my experience? My experience is what it is. I can only attest to my personal experience. Will this work for everyone. NOPE - It did not work at all for my wife. She had to stop after 2 weeks. But my numbers don't lie. I weighed 355 on June 15 of this year. Today I weigh 293. That's a fact. :)

    Ok, so basically you just think all of this is true. Props to the placebo effect! :drinker:
  • blindwebguy
    Oops Russllb97... but actually...

    Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of low caloric intake levels. During short periods of caloric abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source.[2]

    Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced caloric intake by burning fat reserves first, and only consumes muscle and other tissues when those reserves are exhausted. Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in muscle and liver cells.[3] After prolonged periods of starvation, the body will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source. People who practice fasting on a regular basis, such as those adhering to caloric restricted diets, can prime their bodies to abstain from food without burning lean tissue.[4]. Resistance training (such as weight lifting) can also prevent the loss of muscle mass while a person is caloric restricted.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    "Where is your factual source of information on this?"

    On my experience? My experience is what it is. I can only attest to my personal experience. Will this work for everyone. NOPE - It did not work at all for my wife. She had to stop after 2 weeks. But my numbers don't lie. I weighed 355 on June 15 of this year. Today I weigh 293. That's a fact. :)

    Man I don't doubt you lost the weight.
    The truth is it would work the same if you just ate 500 calories a day and took a sugar pill. You can control hunger with your head, and taking a drop or a shot that a Doctor tells you will stop your hunger will make you believe just that.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Most of the injections come with an appetite suppressant and b12. So you get a magic shot, the b12 gives you energy and you feel amazing, the suppressant makes you not hungry, and viola hcg is the best thing every.

    And if you lost 50 lbs I fat and gained 3 lbs of muscle either your feet were a little bit sweaty when you stepped on the scale, you had a half ounce of water in your bladder, or any number of things. I've made a BF scale say I lost 9% BF and no weight within 30 minutes. Impedance measurements suck, and can't be trusted, so basically I'm explaining that you didn't.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    ha ha ha - you're funny. HCG natually stimulates testosterone production - so maybe that helped. Not sure. That would explain why I lost .5 lbs of muscle after ending the HCG and while losing 10 more pounds and working out.
    This is true. HCG is taken by pro and amatuer bodybuilders after a cycle to stimulate natural test production. You could have gained 3lbs of muscle. But for a female, I'm more than sure that muscle catabolism happens.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    This is not the same as a diet induced starvation mode. That is extreme famine. The last thing our body wants to do is burn up our muscles for energy because that's what happens just before we DIE from starvation.
    This has to do with how our body slows metabolism to burn less fat and increase our hunger(leptin)
    Oops Russllb97... but actually...

    Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of low caloric intake levels. During short periods of caloric abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source.[2]

    Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced caloric intake by burning fat reserves first, and only consumes muscle and other tissues when those reserves are exhausted. Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in muscle and liver cells.[3] After prolonged periods of starvation, the body will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source. People who practice fasting on a regular basis, such as those adhering to caloric restricted diets, can prime their bodies to abstain from food without burning lean tissue.[4]. Resistance training (such as weight lifting) can also prevent the loss of muscle mass while a person is caloric restricted.