
Hi all,
I am new here, just joined the site about a week ago. It is a huge wake up call to me of how many calories I have been eating now that I am tracking it all. I started a blog to detail my journey and would love to have you as readers and followers.
I look forward to making new friends here.


  • JamieKeller13
    JamieKeller13 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I just joined 2 weeks ago and have received a MAJOR shock at my calorie intake!! I started running a couple of months ago and really thought the weight would just fall off, but not so much! Then I started plugging in my typical food intake of the day. Phew... time to get on track!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    welcome aboard! =)
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    Welcome! I'm fairly new too, feel free to add me if you like.
    Going to check out your blog now. : )