Struggling - beginner insulin resistance/primal lifestyle

I am on day 2 of cutting out carbs and sugar completely. Recently suffered from ovarian cysts, have all of the signs of insulin resistance and I HAVE to make changes. I am struggling, everywhere I look there is nothing but carbs and sugar!!!!!!!! Please help. I need shopping lists and meal ideas ASAP that are suitable for my family (including 2 young children)!!!!! I don't want this to be like all of the other times where I have completely caved and just continued to put on more weight!!!!!


  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Just to be clear, we're talking about PCOS, right?
  • SallyAnn1966
    Hi, I've recently given up sugar and its hard to find food! I'm using recipes from - all natural ingredients and hubby and kids like the food too. Try salmon patties/burgers and Everything Meatloaf. Nice stuff and very quick, and easy to make. Stick with it - you will feel better!
  • CoachNYLA
    I use a sugar, wheat and flour free food plan myself.

    If you are interested, try - there is a food plan there for (actually food addicts) but it is geared toward carb sensitive folks.

    Also, I have lots of ideas I use that I can share.

    Message me if you are interested.
  • girlonamission34
    My doctor is worthless and hasn't "said" PCOS but I have 4 cysts currently and ended up in the ER 2 months ago and have had issues with ovulation pain and sickness for the last 6 years. I can not physically endure this any longer but I have made so many attempts at losing the weight and have failed at every attempt in the past. I need for this time to be different.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    Our family has started moving towards the Paleo/Primal lifestyle (including our four and ten year old). We are still building a list of recipes and resources, but they seem pretty available if you do a google search on paleo recipes, food or snacks.

    Check this one seems to have a lot of ideas:
  • shadowfx
    Simplest changes you can make straight away is to start incorporating more fruit and veges into your family's menu, substituting refined carbs for complex ones and gradually reduce the overall total carbs over time. DON"T try and make huge changes from Day 1, especially not for your family or you will get much less of a buy-in from them. Do some research on Low GI starchy vegetables and grains that fill you up without upsetting the bloodsugar levels.

    Google is your friend, and so is the MFP community.....we're all here to help, just reach out and connect with others in the same situation. YOU CAN DO THIS! Hugs from NZ :flowerforyou:
  • shadowfx
    Simplest changes you can make straight away is to start incorporating more fruit and veges into your family's menu, substituting refined carbs for complex ones and gradually reduce the overall total carbs over time. DON"T try and make huge changes from Day 1, especially not for your family or you will get much less of a buy-in from them. Do some research on Low GI starchy vegetables and grains that fill you up without upsetting the bloodsugar levels.

    Google is your friend, and so is the MFP community.....we're all here to help, just reach out and connect with others in the same situation. YOU CAN DO THIS! Hugs from NZ :flowerforyou:

    just to add to this, carbs are addictive, so you are probably going to feel the effects of withdrawal for the first couple of days. I had to wean myself off them too, and found that by increasing my protein intake I was able to stave off hunger and keep my willpower strong. Don't try and look to far ahead, focus on getting through one day at a time and congratulate yourself on every little victory. In this situation you really need to live in the NOW and keep your focus. Good luck xx
  • annav007
    annav007 Posts: 4 Member
    Meats! Veggies! And lots of them. Bacon wrapped chicken, fish breaded with almond flour, spinach and sausage stuffed chicken, meatballs with spaghetti squash!? Shop the perimeter - all the fresh items, and just start tossing together : ) . Canned things perhaps like tomatoes/sauce no sugar added like Rinaldi's Healthy Choice spaghetti sauce, canned tuna/sardines, frozen fruit/veg. Coconut oil is a great fat to cook with... you can make brownies or cookies with coconut flour (coconut shreds, in a food processor) or almond flour/butter - just toss some together with some eggs or egg whites, and stevia as a sweetener, or better yet, you can use applesauce for cookies and smooshed prunes for brownies.

    The possibilities are endless, it just takes a little bit more prep at first. Websites like Everyday Paleo and Paleo Plan might help a little more with options.

    I've been more Paleo-geared myself, just due to personal preference. My blood sugar is more stable throughout the day, and when I first started, I saw a giant leap in energy, not to mention a slight drop on the scale. Good luck with all your recipes and lifestyle switch : )
  • girlonamission34
    Thank you I needed this as I am sitting here saying to myself I am never going to be able to find enough satisfying food to get through this. I think I am having sugar withdraw which does not help!!!!
  • girlonamission34
    I guess after years of fad diets it is hard for me to accept that I can have "bacon" and "sausage" and things with an ounce of fat in them!!! this is why I need help, because I only have ideas about fat free and sugar free and not "healthy"
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    The "easiest" way to do this for a familly is to make a weekly menu and create a shopping list from that.

    Here's one blogger's menu plan (many recipes taken from newly released cookbook Paleo Comfort Food):

    and for a subscribe type thing you can go here; this also has many recipes

    This blogger is a parent and lists the sites of other paleo parents:

    This blogger lists a bunch of paleo food bloggers:

    A nice round up of paleo reading:
  • girlonamission34
    Awesome!!! I love the one about the primal parent!!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    girlonamission - I am a hyperinsulinemic patient with PCOS and a thing called Metabolic X Syndrome.... Im right here for you!

    About a month ago, I had been collecting data on the dietary restrictions placed on patients who have X and PCOS together and had implemented it with the blessing of my Endocrinologist...

    My first weigh-in here was a 3lb loss. Three weeks prior, 7 pounds lost.... prior to that, 35 lbs lost....

    If I can do this, you CAN do this!

    For my unique situation, I was given recommendations from my Endo and they were very realistic...

    Ive never been a true fan of dairy, and have limited it to cheeses made with skim-milk, but will indulge once per week in the real-stuff. Worked hard at getting rid of pasta, potatoes, rice, white flour-products, bleached white flour, bleached wheat flour.... Someone else posted that you will feel the effects for the first couple of days - they are absolutely right!

    **Pasta has been replaced with Shirataki noodles (tofu), threads of eggplant and zucchini and I dont miss pasta at all!!!!!

    **I cant eat about 90% of the fruits out there because of the natural sugars (both sugar and CHO counts) so I have to be very careful.

    **Im more careful with portions on vegetables because of the natural carbohydrates found in them but I still have plenty of them without feeling like Im deprived.

    **I am careful not to have fatty meats, I limit beef because of the saturated fats associated with it. But I am an avid fan of my chicken, turkey and seafood! Matter of fact, I just posted an Asian Squid-Tofu Noodle Soup I made last night.... and the calories/cho/fat/protein was EXTREMELY reasonable!!!

    Add me as a friend if you would like... Ill be there to help out, just like the rest of us are.

    On a more medical note though: If your primary care is not willing to appropriately diagnose you (you sound like a classic PCOS case), consider seeking out an Endocrinologist who works with PCOS patients... Im in love with mine as she has discovered so much about me and more... Ive dropped 45lbs so far and only have 94lbs to go.... and its working very well for my situation....

    Chin up girlfriend!
  • girlonamission34
    Thank you so much for all of the info and support. I added you as a friend and may have some questions for you along the way. How long has it taken you to lose the weight?
  • CharlieLopez2005
    girlonamission- So glad you posted this. Even as a low-carber myself (-105 lbs lost, -26% body fat so far), I've never heard of many of these websites that others have referenced. Now I have more websites bookmarked and reading material! Please feel free to add me. Would love to help any way I can.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Thank you so much for all of the info and support. I added you as a friend and may have some questions for you along the way. How long has it taken you to lose the weight?

    Prior to one month ago, the 35lbs took a good 6 months. Thats because I was waiting for my first appointment with my new Endocrinologist (after firing the last bozo!) that I just recently saw. I had sent her the information I had found to make sure it was credible.... I never believe in all the medical info I read online - I want my doctors to evaluate it before I do anything. I learned REAL fast that the Endo replied back in her email "you and I need to meet sooner than later"... I thought, OH MY GAWD WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!

    Well, when I met her, she said "the information is spot-on...with a few exceptions".... ***jaw hits the floor

    She explained that each PCOS patient requires routine blood work for regular monitoring.... this helps with the medication modifications as your body adjusts. With my history, and most recent weight loss, she calculates/estimates that by the time I lose the next 48 pounds, I will need to drastically reduce a few of the prescriptions.... Where I work an active job, there are times it gets SUPER-active.. and I can count that as exercise in my weekly goal. Today, I broke from exercising to rest - and she completely agreed with me.

    Not all PCOS readings are the same - some have more insulin than others (mine was two times the norm reading). Some have more testosterone than others (again, two times the norm reading), estrogen is fickle (mine was actually just slightly over) - androgens.... I was quoted off the charts 8-(

    Meanwhile back at the ranch - for my unique case, and taking everything into account, the Endo has given me a target of 1600 calories daily, 120g carbohydrates daily.... working as a chef, I only work with fresh foods.... the same goes for home... so the battle is half-won already. The battling of the carbs... WOW... took a good 6 months to wean off of pasta... I wont lie to you - IT SUCKED! But I did it. I can have them but would need half the serving in order to build a meal. I said, to hell with that.... Ill just omit them altogether and have some great alternatives.

    Weightloss for hyperinsulinemia/PCOS is harder because of the hormonal abnormalities. Add the prescriptions to it, and it can be more difficult... but... the one thing I have been noticing about myself is with the carb restriction, Im not actually missing 'anything'. I can still get great meals even with the limitations. I do get hungry more often, so my protein intake will increase.... the recipe builder on this site will be... YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!! Use it to your fullest advantage.. BUT, do NOT rely solely on the food-lists.. they are not always valid as they dont always tell you if it was cooked in oil, butter, breaded, etc. Thats where the Food Diary comes in where you can create your own food list of common/repeat things you do eat.

    It takes a little time to build it, but the work to building it makes the difference!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Marking this in my topics so I can respond in the morning.............I have to get to sleep so I can wake up at 5;30 this morning. Like 5 hours and some change from now.
  • carstar835
    Options has a ton of info, shopping lists, meal plans etc. once you get through your sugar withdrawals you're going to feel great! hang in there :)
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I am on day 2 of cutting out carbs and sugar completely. Recently suffered from ovarian cysts, have all of the signs of insulin resistance and I HAVE to make changes. I am struggling, everywhere I look there is nothing but carbs and sugar!!!!!!!! Please help. I need shopping lists and meal ideas ASAP that are suitable for my family (including 2 young children)!!!!! I don't want this to be like all of the other times where I have completely caved and just continued to put on more weight!!!!!

    5 words -

    Everyday Paleo by Sarah Fragoso

    One month of Paleo meals
    Weekly shopping lists
    She has kids and transitioned her whole family to Paleo.
    She includes brown bag lunches for the kids to take to school.

    Friend me & watch my diary. When I'm in need of fast(er) food, I buy a gluten free rotisserie chicken, pick up a bag of salad and a couple yams/sweet potatos.

    If I can do this, almost anyone can!
  • girlonamission34
    Thank you so much for the info. Over the last several years my biggest issue has been exactly what you stated it has been very difficult because I will lose 6 lbs one month and gain it all back plus some when I am ovulating or on my period due to the hormonal fluctuation, however, I didn't recognize this as an actual problem and just assumed that I was not disciplined enough to lose weight. What freedom I have found (as weird as it may seem) to be able to actually label it rather than labeling myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to know that there are others out there gives me such hope.