Eating after 8pm



  • creasonr
    Thanks for asking this question. I work in the evenings also and get home around 11 pm. Logically I thought that it was O.K. to eat later but it is nice to see the question discussed.
  • alebalestra
    alebalestra Posts: 25 Member
    The time to eat is cultural. I eat late because in my culture we eat late. I am from Argentina, and we have dinner at 9 pm or later, and most of the people is not fat. The reason is the people walk a lot. For this reason when I moved to USA, I gained weight, here I do not walk too much, until one year ago when I decide to do something with my weigth and I lost 43 pounds... most of the secret is that I am doing a lot of exercise.
  • SUgrad04
    I think the idea is to stop eating a few hours before bedtime so you're not introducing a bunch of energy into your system at the time of day when you're least likely to burn it off -- also, some people think that it's good to keep blood sugar levels low when your body is about to go into sleep mode. Some people think it does make a difference; some don't -- I'm trying it myself now just to see if it makes a difference.
  • R4z0r4Mm0
    Like what everyone else has said - timing is irrelevant. I've eaten meals and snacks before bed, and I'm still losing, as long as the late night snacks are accounted for in your calories. 77lbs lost and more to go, works well for me.

    The night before weigh-ins though, I'd avoid a late night dinner because of water retention. No solid food for me 12hours before weigh-ins. For me, I tend to retain quite a bit of water from the night before (anywhere from 3 to 5lbs), especially if the dinner is high in sodium and I didn't drink enough water to flush it out.