
Hi there! I have managed to lose 12 pounds in the last 30 days. I am now at 121.
I think a lot of that is due to cleansing of my colon!
My problem is that I have not lost an inch anywhere! I feel so deflated! My waist is still 32 inches. I can't understand why, my measurements are 34-32-34 I look like a ball hahaha seriously though, I don't think it's healthy to be holding all this abdominal fat and was wondering if anyone had any advice on blasting this fat away.
I know you can't spot reduce but can anyone give me any tips on toning my waist?
P.S I don't eat processed foods or soft drinks ,have around 1200 calories/ day, am 26 and 163cm tall.
Thanks x


  • rugbyfella
    rugbyfella Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there don't worry to much 12 pound is 12 pound that's amazing well done. What you are doing must be working as you are seeing results on the scales. It might just be taking a bit longer, I personally lost my first stone fast , the next stone really showed and I lost 4 inches on my waist. So keep working at it and it will show.

    A gym instructor who is a good friend once told me that abb's are built in the kitchen, maintained in the gym.

    Good luck.
  • sasp1385
    sasp1385 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you x
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Will also send you a message... xx Try

    Yes it looks hard, yes it is!! BUT it works and also you can adapt them to your stage of training... If you do just 10 mins twice a day within 2 weeks people will notice the difference. As you will be using more than one muscle group at a time, when you have stopped training you body will carry on burning cals!! FACT.. you need to get to this stage granted, that can take up to 6 weeks, but it does work, I am still taking pics and workingout!! I can see a difference, but am not yet confident enough to put pics up!!

    Also cut down on your carbs, have more protein, but when you have more protein make sure have lots of veg or salad with every meal! Protein is turned into acid in your body, to much of that is not good for you, balance it out with veggies and salad!!

    I have cut down on my carbs, no cakes and such for nearly 3 weeks and people have started to say how good I look!! So yes it has worked for me xx Good luck xx
  • sasp1385
    sasp1385 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much! I'm checking it out now :) I'm going to take some belly pics today and then see what difference there is in a few weeks!