Recent Purchase of Airdyne

I recently purchased myself a schwinn airdyne to help with my weightloss goals. I dont know if anyone else has used one of these but i love the fact that I can work out my upper and lower body at the same time. I've been watching what I eat like a hawk and have managed to stay within my goals every day with the exception of one since I started monitoring. I really feel good about myself for making this purchase because it gives me an added incentive to get off my couch (ironically where I'm typing this post). I always had trouble with the gym thing just because I want to work out when I want to work out and the added effort of getting dressed and driving would often be the reason I didnt do it. Now I just walk 10 feet and Im there. Totally worth it. I'm going to continue using this along with some basic lifting and hopefully will reach my goal even faster now. The one thing I've noticed is that I've been hungrier since I started exercising more. Is this common? I dont remember this from when I exercised when I was younger so I dont know if its just a coincidence. Anyone know?