
Hello my name is Jacqui, I am a 22 year old female. I am very overweight and out of shape. I have always had low self esteem which kept me from achieving almost everything! I want to loose 100 pounds to prove to myself that I can accomplish something!! I want to be more attractive and most importantly healthier. I constantly look at people confined to wheelchairs or scooters and am scared that it will one day be me. I sometimes feel helpless inside my own body and controlled by food. I refuse for my future to be full of medicines and moon pies. I want to be able to go rock climbing, wear a two piece bikini and march a decent drum corp where I can actually keep up with the physical demand. I want to motivate my family to eat better and workout more, because they too have become victim to fast food and television. My best friend lost almost 100 pounds and I believe I can do it also. He introduced me to this website for meal tracking and a support system. I am hoping to reach my goal in 6 months, however I know I need to take it day by day, pound by pound. All I pray for everyday is Peace Happiness and Love and I know this will come once I take the step toward healthier life style and prove to myself, my family, my friends, and my God that I can overcome this obstacle.
