New body??

meganbray Posts: 7
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I am a recent mom to my second child, a boy, born in June. I have been on a workout high for the last two weeks and I am ready to see some improvements already!! I unfortuanlty weigh as much now as I did when I was nine months pregnant! How scary! :sad:

I would really enjoy some input and advice from anyone who can give me some tips. Especially those moms that know how to shed those extra baby pounds. I have never really dieted before so I could deff. use some help. I'm new to the site and ready for the new me this year!:happy:


  • I am a recent mom to my second child, a boy, born in June. I have been on a workout high for the last two weeks and I am ready to see some improvements already!! I unfortuanlty weigh as much now as I did when I was nine months pregnant! How scary! :sad:

    I would really enjoy some input and advice from anyone who can give me some tips. Especially those moms that know how to shed those extra baby pounds. I have never really dieted before so I could deff. use some help. I'm new to the site and ready for the new me this year!:happy:
  • AllenMom4
    AllenMom4 Posts: 294 Member
    Well good luck and I hope you have luck! Its hard I know!
  • Thank you!
  • Hi! I just gave birth to my 3rd boy in November! I joined this site 11 days ago & it has really helped. Watching what you eat & counting calories can help a lot. I'm also nursing though... which is good bc I can't go to the gym right now! Other than eating right & exercising, I can't think of much more advice. Good luck to you!
  • Thank you very much, I am soo jealous of any nursing mother hahaha. Three boys? Wow, you have your hands full! Thanks for the advice, I'm hoping to see some progress soon!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    First off congradulations, I'm a mom of 3.

    I would start by taking measurement of your legs, hips, waist, chest and arms. Sometimes your measurements will change with out your weight changing. Then for a month I would follow the calorie guidelines given on here and make sure to add in your exercise and eat your exercise calories. If you don't see any changes by then you will need to make some changes to your goals. Like switching from 2 pound lose/week to a 1 pound lose. sometimes we try too hard and end up slowing down our body and it makes it harder for us to lose.

    Good luck.
  • Thank you thats a great idea! I have been a little discouraged because I have been working out for the last two weeks and I gained a pound! My boyfriend tells me I look thinner (he is a man though) So I think you might be on to something about the measurments.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    One time I lost over an inch in my waist and hadn't lost any weight. I live by my measurements. Weight is so touchy. I can eat something really salty one day and the scale will read 4 pounds heavier the next day, which is all from water not fat.

    Good luck.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hi, I've recently had my second baby boy, mid October in fact :smile:

    Measurements is a good idea, but I had a very similar amount of post-baby weight first time around (I totally over-indulge in pregnancy :embarassed: ) and I found exercise really helped - I go out walking with the double buggy, let my older son walk as far as he can and then power walk the rest of the way - usually doing a 5 mile round walk and my older son is only 2.5 so walks 1 mile max. I also have a lateral thigh trainer, and do 30 mins while older son watches TV after tea and younger son has a nap (around 5 pm). Finally, I swim 3 times a week, twice a week when older son is at nursery and I put younger son in the creche at the leisure centre.

    Another tip is to eat little and often - I am breastfeeding still and as baby is too young for food, it uses a lot of energy and I literally get weak in the legs unless I eat regularly. I snack on carrots, rice cakes, cottage cheese and sweet peppers and this seems to do the trick :smile:

    Good luck with everything!
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