I don't know what to eat...



  • dreeminbigg
    Hi dreeminbigg,

    Well, first of all there is more than one type of carb. High glycemic-index and low is one way of classifying carbs. You can look up which ones are which online. Another way of classifying carbs is starchy and not-starchy. Starchy carbs tend to be white. For example, rice, potatoes, pasta.

    You want to minimize your high glycemic and starchy carbs and eat lots of the others. Basically, you want to eat lots of veggies, a little bit of fruit and a little bit of starchy fillers. Some people find that eating brown rice or pasta instead of white rice or pasta helps with the good/not-so-good ratio too.

    I have no idea where you read that 100 grams should be the upper limit of carbs for the day. That sounds really low to me.

    I'll look those two up :)
    And I just went on Google and typed in "how many grams of carbs per day to lose weight." But that number did seem unreasonably low for me, too. Thanks!