Lana’s Kick Your Cold’s Booty Shake

Lana’s Kick Your Cold’s Booty Shake

1 Scoop Greenberry Shakeology
1 Cup fresh pineapple
1 Cup fresh blackberries
1 Cup grapes (your color choice)
1 Cup pink grapefruit
1 Tablespoon finely diced fresh ginger
30 Drops Herb-Pharm Liquic Echinacea
30 Drops Herb-Pharm liquid Cayenne (This gives it quite a kick, so you may want to use less if you cannot take the heat. Does not effect the taste, but has quite an after-heat in the throat.)
3 Opened capsules of Electric Institute Fresh Freeze-Dried Garlic
Just enough water to blend.

Blend well with ice or pour over ice after blending. Has a very refreshing fruity taste with a hint of heat aftertaste.

1 Scoop Greenberry Shakeology - 140
1 Cup fresh pineapple - 83
1 Cup fresh blackberries - 62
1 Cup grapes (your color choice) - 104
1 Cup pink grapefruit - 74
1 Tablespoon finely diced fresh ginger – 5

TOTAL: 468
Lots of nutrition packed into these calories.