I need help with Veggie snacks.....

jackiejax1981 Posts: 80 Member
Hey all! I have no problem getting all my meals together....but how do you guys all get ur veggies into your day? I'm not a big raw veggie snacker, though i like it, and i'm just trying to find ways that are SIMPLE to entice me to eat more veggies. I'm tired of the same old broccoli n carrots with lite ranch. Know what I'm sayin? I just want to go buy stuff, make it and have it available so i can just go to the fridge and reach for that instead of chocolate or cheese. ;-P


Oh...and feel free to add me if you like....it's been almost 2 wks for me on here and i'm addicted!


  • Greenwellj
    I add greens into my protein shakes.
  • Anabelle321
    Try vegetarian foods (i.e. stuff like Dr Praegers Spinach Pancakes) all the nutrients with quite a bit of variety =)
  • xinahay123
    Maybe try making some tabouli. It tastes better the longer it sits in the fridge and with some tweaks from week to week, you can get some variety! Here is a link to a simple quinoa tabouli. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/quinoa-tabbouleh/detail.aspx
  • EileenKM
    My dull answer: salad. Lots & lots of salad.

    I eat it a good 3-4x/week. For a few reasons. It's a great low calorie filler. & w/ the right amount of fluid, leaves me satiated for quite a while!. And also since we buy it by the bag, we have to go through it quick enough so it doesn't go bad on us!!

    But I add other veggies like tomatoes, shredded carrots, purple or green onions, more for vitamins. I'll also add turkey, eggs, salmon, nuts and/or cheese to get some protein in.

    & of course, w/ the dressing, review the nutrition content b4 purchasing. Too much fat/calories makes the entire salad concept *kitten* backwards.

    re: timing. It's not too bad, just need a good 5 minutes to prep b4 packing it up & hauling it off to work.

    Another option instead of the salad would to continue dipping the veggies. But swap out the ranch w/ hummus. Great fiber, will also leave you feeling full (again taken w/ enough water).

    btw re: "cheese & chocolate" that's not necessarily a bad thing! Esp. w/ the cheese, body needs protein, I have Babybel lights on hand. They're great in moderation (i.e. 1 or 2/day)!

    Hope this helps?
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    How about.....
    Carrot sticks and fat free ranch?
  • ShanaJo87
    ShanaJo87 Posts: 76 Member
    i have a neighbor who is very in to being healthy and active. Her ex boyfriend was the same way but wouldn't eat veggies. So she would make something healthy and chop veggies really small so he wouldnt know that they were in there. Ive tried it in lasagna and it works well.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    I've become addicted to sugar snap peas...they crunch like a potato chip!!! But I also put veggies into everything....soups, stews, sandwiches, etc.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    we all have differing levels of liking veggies. I could tell you that I love to eat raw green peppers, cucumbers, string beans, etc....but I know most folks don't love that.

    one way I like my veggies is in a stir fry. get yourself a wok, some EVOO, and put in your favorite veggies. add some reduced sodium soy sauce and a flavor you like (my favorite is kikkoman's reduced sodium stir fry sauce...yep, its called that). you can add chicken if you like. my favorite mix of veggies for the stir fry....chopped onions, mushrooms, bean sprouts, broccoli, fresh spinach, snow peas. I usually make enough for a couple of days at a time.

    it takes very little time to make and its super yummy and healthy.
  • mebegreen
    My go-to snack is baby carrots and garlic hummus (yum!). Not only are you getting some veggies in, but also some protein :) Also, when I make dinner - I must always have something green on my plate.

    Try roasting some asparagus with some salt, pepper and dill. Or stir fry some baby bok choy with salt, red pepper flakes and some toasted cashews. Roasting veggies is so easy and my favorite thing to do. Last night I roasted some green beans and onions in a honey balsamic dressing and added some toasted walnuts on top for a nice crunch.

    I LOVE this blog - http://www.skinnytaste.com/
    Healthy and flavorful!!
  • emjaybe
    Also V8 packs in a lot of veggies in one serving if you don't mind drinking your vegetables!!!
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Here's a nice change for crudites/dip:

    1/2 head of Belgian endive, leaves dipped in dips.

    Instead of regular hummus, make one out of edamame - making one today with mix of edamame and cannelini beans.

    Hide leafies and others in the hummus! whiz in a handful of baby spinach, a few roasted red bell peppers, a couple of cherry tomatoes. Add 1/4 of an avocado for cream-factor. Add a green onion for bite.

    I'm with mebegreen - roasting just about anything transforms it.

    make a mix of coursely chopped, or ver ythinly sliced, baby carrot, raw red bell, green onion, cherry tomato and kalamata olives. Stuff this in a mini whole wheat pita with a little bit of feta cheese and/or a little bit of hummus or blended bean/vegetable dip of some kind. There's a magic flavor combination with good raw tomato, feta and olives... You can make this up in a larger quantity and stuff pitas for a few days.
  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    I've become addicted to sugar snap peas...they crunch like a potato chip!!! But I also put veggies into everything....soups, stews, sandwiches, etc.

    Ditto NyGiantsChick. I'm eating them right now!!!