Newbie here!!

I am a new mother to a wonderful baby girl, but unfortunately, we all know what comes along with new babies - the weight :p Just on here trying to keep motivated to shed the baby pounds and perhaps meet more people in the same boat along the way!
Keep up the good work everyone!


  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    hi new mama!

    new mom here myself, i have found alot of support and encouragement on this site! i will send you a friend request :)

  • petracox
    petracox Posts: 7 Member
    hi there
    Im a new mum as well. Had my third daughter in may this year. I love this app as it makes me stick to eating well (well most of the time anyway!). Ive only got another 1kg to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.....but then I have another 6kgs to lose to get back to the weight I was before my first daughter!! Ill send you a friend request!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Welcome! I as well only joined a few days ago. I can totally relate to the baby weight for sure.
  • Thanks ladies! I look forward to going down this path with you all!
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome! I'm a new mom too (7 month old boy). Feel free to add me - we can help eachother get rid of these "pregnancy" pounds.