Gettin' it Done! Week 2 (closed)



  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    How old is your daughter? I hate discussing weight with my kids, but I want them to understand that we all have a healthy weight. It is a touchy subject.

    So where is everyone today?

    She is 5. I know what you mean - I don't want to focus too much on weigh but more on being healthy.
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    morning everyone.

    another beautiful day here...going to be taking the dogs for a walk in a bit...just giving the bears time to get back into the woods so i can safely walk on the street,lol. have a ton of cleaning to do today too. just having trouble getting started..hubby is not sleeping well at night so it is keeping me awake too :(
    ok well here is my quote for today it is not really inspirational but actually funny

    Ellen Degeneres
    You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.

    hope everyone has a great day!
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    Ok, super stressful day in so many ways I can't even talk about it without tearing up. Once I get some sleep I'll be ok, but I am officially jumping on board with Michelle and Corrie...NO MORE SUGAR!! I use it to relieve stress and calm my's like a drug. The thing is, it works. So I need something to replace it with. Any ideas on how else to get through stress? I really need help on this.

    Inspiration for today:

    Those who believe they can do something and those who believe they can’t are both right.
    – Henry Ford

    It is never too late to be what you might have been.
    – George Eliot [George Eliot was the pen name of English novelist Mary Anne Evans (1819-1880)]
  • road2happiness
    Wow! Lots of birthdays happening right now:) That makes us mom's very busy...and a little stressed. Happy birthday to all the little ones:)

    LimeyTart- enjoy your daughter's birthday today:) I hope you got everything done that you needed to do!
    LynnMPip- How is the day going? How about your meal planning?
    Michelle- Love the quote! Were you really serious about the bears?!?!?
    ljedmom- I am so sorry that this has been a rotten day! I can feel your sadness and I am so sorry. As far as the stress goes, do you blog? You could focus on taking pictures of your cute little kids and recording the awesome things they do. It always makes me feel so blessed when I stop to realize how lucky I am. I don't know what your stressors are, but I wish I could help.

    As far as me, the day has been fun. I have one daughter out for fall break and I took her and three friends to an indoor trampoline place. It was great! I also have stayed away from sugary junk food:) I didn't realize when I said I was cutting out sugar how literally people take that! Lol! Honestly, I could never completely cut it out. I just need to cut WAY back. There are days when 50% of my calories are from pure junk. Brownies, cookies, candy, granola bars, etc. I am so weak around those type of things that it is pathetic!!!! I have a hard time with knowing what needs to be done, and then actually doing it! I have to change something though!


    "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm Possible!" ~Audrey Hepburn

    Accept what you can't change- change what you can't accept.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Kelly - hope you were able to get some sleep and are feeling better. Have you ever tried yoga or meditation?

    Ruth - Hope your daughter had a great birthday!!

    Michelle - How was your walk?

    Corrie - Congrats on staying away from the junk food.

    I am almost planned out until Saturday. Most of my main meals are done, now just filling in snacks. I eat at my parent's tomorrow night so I left it open with about 1,000 calories. We are going out on Friday night and will be out almost all day Saturday.

    Edit - I am all planned out!!


    "The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach."
    Benjamin Mays
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    good morning.

    i am going to com by later and post a bit more...but for now here is my quote

    "You have failed only when you quit trying. Until then, you're still in the act of progression. So, never quit trying and you'll never be a failure.---Tommy Kelley
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    Wow! Lots of birthdays happening right now:) That makes us mom's very busy...and a little stressed. Happy birthday to all the little ones:)

    LimeyTart- enjoy your daughter's birthday today:) I hope you got everything done that you needed to do!
    LynnMPip- How is the day going? How about your meal planning?
    Michelle- Love the quote! Were you really serious about the bears?!?!?
    ljedmom- I am so sorry that this has been a rotten day! I can feel your sadness and I am so sorry. As far as the stress goes, do you blog? You could focus on taking pictures of your cute little kids and recording the awesome things they do. It always makes me feel so blessed when I stop to realize how lucky I am. I don't know what your stressors are, but I wish I could help.

    As far as me, the day has been fun. I have one daughter out for fall break and I took her and three friends to an indoor trampoline place. It was great! I also have stayed away from sugary junk food:) I didn't realize when I said I was cutting out sugar how literally people take that! Lol! Honestly, I could never completely cut it out. I just need to cut WAY back. There are days when 50% of my calories are from pure junk. Brownies, cookies, candy, granola bars, etc. I am so weak around those type of things that it is pathetic!!!! I have a hard time with knowing what needs to be done, and then actually doing it! I have to change something though!


    "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm Possible!" ~Audrey Hepburn

    Accept what you can't change- change what you can't accept.

    oh heck yeah.....i live in what alot of people who class as country....there is a big forest behind my house. and bears are a huge problem here right now...they are getting ready to hibernate so they are trying to get as much food in as possible so they are coming out and raiding garbage cans. by the way i LOVE the quote by audrey hepburn!
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    Kelly - hope you were able to get some sleep and are feeling better. Have you ever tried yoga or meditation?

    Ruth - Hope your daughter had a great birthday!!

    Michelle - How was your walk?

    Corrie - Congrats on staying away from the junk food.

    I am almost planned out until Saturday. Most of my main meals are done, now just filling in snacks. I eat at my parent's tomorrow night so I left it open with about 1,000 calories. We are going out on Friday night and will be out almost all day Saturday.

    Edit - I am all planned out!!


    "The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach."
    Benjamin Mays

    my walk was great! i had so much energy left over i did some cleaning then went on a bike ride with my boys :)
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Good Morning Ladies -

    "Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands--and then eat just one of the pieces." (J. Viorst)

    So cranky today, need to snap out of it soon. Hoping to get a nice walk in while my daughter is in dancing school today.
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    Today is fantastic, I have the sweetest husband in the world and the best best-friend ever! Yesterday's fiasco included 2 hours of scrubbing crayon off of the church's chairs and 4 hours of sleep :) My problem is that I am a neat freak with 4 kids. The end. But today is wonderful and it is getting cool! Which here in Louisiana means it still gets to the low 80s by the end of the day, but it starts off nice and chilly! That sparked today's inspiration, which is a link to my favorite recipe site's soup collection! I love soup. I would have it every day, but my family might object :)

    Hard to make bad food choices when it's so delicious to make good ones!

    Sorry to be so grouchy yesterday! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day! You are all doing great working hard on your goals!
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    sorry i didn't get back on here yesterday to post some more...i ended up getting really sick....still am so sick. and i have so much to do today......i have to go vote, have a ton of laundry to do,dishes...and on top of that i decided to go home and surprise my family for thanksgiving so i have to clean and pack our bags...and then pack my truck so i am ready to leave first thing tomorrow morning. and i'm running a fever so it is making everything harder to do :(

    so i won't be able to post too much over the weekend, but i will be back online i hope everyone has a great weekend!

    here is my quote for today

    Winston Churchill
    Never, never, never, never give up.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Oh, Kelly - thanks for the link. I really want to start making my own soup!!

    Michelle - hope you feel better soon and enjoy the weekend!
  • road2happiness
    Okay! I am late getting here. Ideas for a new group goal this week? If no,t I will dream one up by the time I go to bed:)
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Hello all, sorry for not being on here lately. My school work is keeping me super busy.... not to mention the kids and soccer and everything else. Anyhow, things have been going good. I am making sure that I get my workout in everyday and I am noticing it! It seems that everyone has been busy on here! I will make sure that I responed everyday!! Maybe that will be a personal goal for me this week.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Today has been a crazy day and it is going to be a crazier weekend!
  • road2happiness
    I see that I am not alone in my craziness! I hope that everyone has an amazing weekend:) We are heading to Disnyland until Wednesday so I am not sure how available I will be.

    Kelly- how are things going? Are you feeling okay?
    Lynn- what have you got going on this weekend?
    Michelle- feel better and happy thanksgiving!
    Laura- I hope you have a great weekend? What kind of school work do you have?
    Limeytart- how have the last couple of days been for you?

    I had a very hard time thinking of a goal for us all. Let's go ahead and focus on our fruits and veggies. Let's says minimum of 4 servings total per day?

    I will also create a week 3 link. Goodnight!:)