30 Day Shred 2nd Day

Is this normal? I finished my 2nd day of the shred yesterday and woke up this morning and my leg muscles feel so tired. If i sit down for a while such as at work as i work in a office (very annoying as i would like to be more active) then get back up my legs feel like they weigh a ton. As the day is going along they do feel better though. Will this go away because i want to be able to go out and party wearing heels with my friends! I dont want to wake up every day with aching legs.
Did not realise how unfit i am! Smoking doesnt help me out either.


  • It's normal when you start a new workout routine, and it will go away. After another day or two you won't be sore anymore. Then, when you move onto the next level, you'll get a little sore again (but not as sore) after the first day or two of the new workout and then it will go away again. Your body is just adjusting to the challenge and strain you are putting on it. Good luck! And keep up the good work!! :smile:
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    Its a good sign that you are pushing yourself to a GOOD limit during your workout. If you weren't sore, I would be a little worried, exspecially if its a new work out for you. I love my treadmill, but after a couple of weeks, I will jump on a stair climber or eliptical. The next morning I usually have heavy legs and a sore butt! Keep up the work!
  • I did Day 6 last night, and despite not doing it religiously EVERY day, I did not ache this fine morning! You body really does get used to it and reletively quickly too! Stick at it girly! :happy: