Busy working mom's...



  • KimertRuns13_1
    I take a few classes at my gym in the early morning while hubby gets the kids ready for school.
    I go after work a few nights a week and put the kids in my gym's childcare.
    I do my long runs on the weekend with friends and either let hubby stay with the kids, put them in the gym childcare or get a sitter.
    I don't let having kids, a full time job and a hubby keep me from being healthy. no excuses!
  • JustMichelleB
    I woh f/t, have a 4(almost 5) yo and a 7.5yo, and a husband. I commute 2h/day.
    I work out 6-7days a week. I get home around 5:30 (leave at 6:30a), feed the kids (dh doesn't come home until 7/7:30, I eat w/ him then). I work out after kids eat (they watch tv or play). I have a treadmill, but often due workout dvds. On the weekends, I run.
    It's easy to find excuses to not work out. I've been maintaining a pretty faithful workout routine for a couple years now and hate it when I can't work out.
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    Good to see that other busy mom's bail on the housecleaning and opt for a good burn!!! Yeah us!!! and for all those not quite there yet...it will come. Keep on plugging away!!!
  • Lesley2800
    I'm lucky that my kids go to bed fairly early so I excerise at 7pm in the evening on the treadmill. Usually my husband will exercise before or after me...or run outside while I'm on the treadmill. I'm afraid if I do it in the morning, I'll wake up the kids.

    Good luck!
  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    I work full-time, and have a husband and 27-mo old. I am not the type of person who can function after waking up early to exercise, so I have to get mine in during the afternoon/evening hours. I shoot for 3 days per week, and sometimes I get 4.

    For weekends, I like to go during nap time. But, sometimes I need a nap too.

    On weeknights, I get home around 6pm and my husband gets home around 6:30-7pm. We all eat together almost as soon as he gets home - sometimes I am able to cook a 30-min-or-less recipe, but sometimes I end up just reheating leftovers. I will usually only eat about half my dinner (I include a late protein-rich snack late in the afternoon so this is not a problem). After I eat, I get ready and hit the gym, track, etc. My husband is responsible for childcare/bedtime on those nights. This way, fit my workout in between 7:30-9:30. When I get home, I finish dinner and get on with the rest of my night (which often means showering and going to bed).

    It's crazy busy and exhausting, but even my husband has noticed that allowing me this time to get my exercise in makes me a much happier person in general. It also means that he gets nights out with his friends any time he asks -- as long as it doesn't interfere with my workout plans!
  • danacromwell1
    Mornings are best! I have a standing "date" with a neighbor at 5:15 each morning to go on a 30 minute walk/run. That still gives me time to shower/dress/hair/makeup before getting the kids up and ready for school and myself off to work. I then do 30 Day Shred at night. Sometimes the kids are awake (7pm ish) and sometimes it's after they go to bed. I do one level a day which takes about 27 minutes total.

    I saw someone else say they workout while they watch TV. Great idea! Step-ups are good because you don't have to really think about what you're doing (ok, please don't fall off) and can enjoy your shows!

    Good luck!
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    I also work full-time, school part-time (8 credits this semester), and I'm a single mom to a 5 year old. I work out in the morning. I usually get up at 5 and study and then start my workout some time after 6. I do exercise dvds. I'd rather go to the gym but that eats more time (getting there) and money (gym membership and child care), plus I feel guilty giving away even more time with my son so I am teaching myself to love working out at home. I study late after my son is in bed and early morning and then do my workout and then it's time to get ready and head off for a day of work. You just have to decided what matters most to you and make it work. If you are a night person do it at night, if you're a morning person do it then, or at lunch. I spend my lunches these days transporting my kindergartener to and from daycare and school (couldn't find any places that could do it for me). Also you could involve your spouse and/or kids walk with them, ride bikes, etc.