Not losing weight.....:( :(



  • Mgrogers09
    Mgrogers09 Posts: 61 Member
    It is not because your not eating enough!!!! I am not a proponent of "starvation", but this myth that you will STOP losing weight because your not eating enough is insane!!! The gist of the so called "starvation mode" is that you will not lose weight any FASTER if you cut over 1000 calories under your BMR (basal metabolic rate).

    500 under BMR (daily is 3500 under BMR (weekly)= 1 pound a week .
    1000 under BMR (daily is 7000 under BMR (weekly)= 2 pounds a week
    where the so called starvation mode comes in----
    1500 under BMR (daily) is 10500 under bmr (weekly) =you would think 10500/3500= 3 -- but actual weight lost would be around 2 1/2 pounds in that week because of the slightly slowed metabolism i think people put too much into the whole "starvation" thing

    I agree with the other post that since you ARE working out so much that your body is adapting to that regimine by building muscle which will add some weight- but once it adapts you should start losing weight quicker
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Could be a number of things. First we get to the age old argument of exercise calories. If you are eating 1200 calories and working out everyday, you might need to be eating more! Yes I said it more. Some people will plateau if they are not eating half or all of their work out calories. This isn't an exact science because its different for everyone, but maybe try adding an extra 100 calories while working out and see if that helps. Also, how is your sodium? This can cause your body to retain water, resulting in no loss or even a gain. Make sure your drinking lots of water, and try to keep your sodium low, at the very least under 2500, but even aim for 1500 if you can.
  • susanofscottsdale
    First, an uneven rate of weight loss is not uncommon, but can be very discouraging. Be patient.

    From personal experience, I have to also manage my carb intake as well as calories. If I take in over 120g/day of carbs, even good ones, I do not lose weight (even with a low calorie, low fat diet). Other people seem to be more sensitive to fat intake.

    While "dieting" can be frustrating at times, it is still better than not trying to get in control of your weight - and being over weight.

    Good luck to you.
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    It's only been 3 weeks. I'm not sure what kind of results you're expecting but my suggestion is adjust your expectations in terms of timeline. Any changes you make typically take a few weeks at least before you'll really see any results. At first, you'll lose only water weight, and then once that's gone you'll actually start shedding body fat.

    Once you realize that it's unrealistic to expect big losses in a matter of a few weeks, especially at your size, you'll find it a lot easier to not get discouraged.
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    It is not because your not eating enough!!!! I am not a proponent of "starvation", but this myth that you will STOP losing weight because your not eating enough is insane!!! The gist of the so called "starvation mode" is that you will not lose weight any FASTER if you cut over 1000 calories under your BMR (basal metabolic rate).

    500 under BMR (daily is 3500 under BMR (weekly)= 1 pound a week .
    1000 under BMR (daily is 7000 under BMR (weekly)= 2 pounds a week
    where the so called starvation mode comes in----
    1500 under BMR (daily) is 10500 under bmr (weekly) =you would think 10500/3500= 3 -- but actual weight lost would be around 2 1/2 pounds in that week because of the slightly slowed metabolism i think people put too much into the whole "starvation" thing

    I agree with the other post that since you ARE working out so much that your body is adapting to that regimine by building muscle which will add some weight- but once it adapts you should start losing weight quicker

    Well said! I hate it that people here start shouting "STARVATION MODE" if someone does not eat all their exercise calories back. If you have more than a few pounds to lose you are in NO danger of starvation mode. Try different things and see what works. I never eat exercise calories back and the only time I don't lose steadily is when I have too MANY calories that week. Go figure!