What made you want to lose the weight?



  • Murdog
    I guess the biggest things is, I don't really feel good anymore. I've been over 200 pounds for over 10 years now. And, it knaws at me. Almost like a haunting torment kind of thing. I used to be fit and healthy. I worked hard for it though back then, I was training really hard in martial arts, and then the Marine Corps. And, I was single back then. I have to just make a decision to get it back. The workouts just have to be a part of my every day life.

    But, the thing is, it doesn't have to be like a chore. As I recall, I enjoyed my training.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    It was a lot of things put together really. I was at my highest weight ever.. 9lbs heavier than when I was 8months pregnant with twins. I wasn't fitting in my clothes anymore and the ones I could put on looked terrible- hello muffin top. I saw a couple of pictures and was shocked. (in my mind I was still skinny- I was always skinny so when I gained weight, I didn't mentally realize it)

    And then a few weeks after realizing just how big I had gotten, I was at a gyno appt and my blood pressure was high. I never had a problem with blood pressure but it was 144/90. The first thing my dr said was - lose weight and cut out the crap you're eating. Before these incidents though I had wanted to lose weight simply for vanity, which is why it never worked. I wanted to be a skinny girl. Now it's so much easier to stick to it knowing I'm gaining health and better self esteem. My confidence was also a major factor in it. I know plenty of people who are big and super confident, but it's not me. I was always skinny and really confident. I realized to get back to being confident, I need to like how I look.
  • TheNewDoug
    Seeing my wedding photos 2 weeks ago, the first full body shots of me in a long time. Seeing the success my brother and sister have had using mfp.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Ummmmm...Cause I did not want to see my wife and a hot young stud spending all my life insurance policy money.


  • Brandi_Lee
    I was watching a show on TLC called X-Weighted. I had commented on how large I thought the women was (i know, wasn't nice of me), then when she did her starting weight in, SHE WEIGHT THE SAME AS ME!!!!!! I was completely in shock and the next day I signed up on here.
  • Chai
    Chai Posts: 22
    I felt unattractive, but not always. Seeing pictures of myself was a big kick in the butt for me. ugh
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    My button popped off my pants at work. That was it
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I'm 55yo with a 7yo daughter to raise.....
  • sdwelk11
    I am geting ready to attend nursing school and dont want to be the fat girl in the class. I lost my Mom when she was 69 and part of it because genetically diabetes and high blood pressure run in our family. My blood pressure was up and my doctor said its diet related and I love my Husband so much that i didnt want him to have to bury me before my time because I don't take care of myself. And I hope that once my Hubby sees how good I feel and my progress that he will be motivated to do the same.