Turbo Kick Calories

Hello all,
I'm taking a Turbo Kick class tonight & don't own a heart monitor. I was wondering if anyone knows of a website or an exercise on MFP which would give me a semi-accurate calorie count for the class. I was given a website to calculate calories burned in Zumba classes, so I wondered if such a thing existed for Turbo Kick. Thank you so much!!


  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    anyone? :)
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    Even i dont have a heart rate monitor.. I do Turbo Jam & check calories burned on MFP - Exercise - Cardiovascular - Kickboxing (Including Turbo Jam) category. You can use this temporarily till u get a HRM or till somebody gives a better suggestion :P
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I did the Turbo Fire program and have the bodybugg, and I would usually burn about 10 calories a minute and I weigh around 160. although, I think it was more sometimes based on my weight loss to calorie ratio, or my metabolism really sped up! Hope this helps.