115 pounds...gone...WORD!

I've been practicing this way of life for a while now, starting back in 2008. It did take me some time to get all of my bad habits out of the way, but I was able to lose along the way and 115 pounds gone is a good deal for me! I have hit plateaus along the way and did maintain a weight-loss with about a 5-8 pound gain/loss for about a year. I will admit that was TOTALLY frustrating, but was a part of my path. I have used NSV (non-scale victories) to help me along the way:

Going from a very tight size 26 pant, probably should have been a size 28, to a 14/16 which varies by company and cut.
A size 2X shirt to size large and workout pants size 3X to large

These numbers may be a bit off as I used to "squeeze" into to smaller sizes if I could, just so I didn't have to face the fact that I was in a larger size. I wore a lot of guys shirts and workout clothes, but today I can shop at normal stores for those items and wear clothing for women. It has been very nice to go into a store and buy something without the fear of "will it fit" racing into my mind.

Over 70+ inches GONE! :)
No more heartburn medicine!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee...I used to have to take 2-4 Prilosec everyday just to eat!
My knees and feet no longer ache and throb...I lost weight in my feet...SCORE!

Sitting in a seat on an airplane or movie theater without “spilling” over into the next seat. I used to be so uncomfortable doing both of those things for that reason, but not today! I also avoid movie popcorn...a small is about 1100 calories, no wonder it tastes so good!

Also, fast food is OUT!

The bottom line is this…this I did NOT go on a diet, I worked towards a lifestyle change. Once I realized that, things changed and I do not believe that I would have achieved and maintained the loss that I have today without that. I do workout 3-6 days a week depending on the week. Other things I’ve learned is to not beat myself up if I only end up working out 1 day or no days for that week. It doesn’t undo everything that I’ve worked so hard to do…I might have just really needed a break!

The best advice that I can give is to NOT give up no matter what, even when the scale doesn’t move down OR goes up, or you have a day or several days or weeks of not eating well. This does take time. Our bodies have to get used to all of this too! If you can get through those tough, frustrating times and not give up and come out on the other side of them you will see how much progress you really made through those times. My growth comes from making it through those times!

My eating went from horrible, to awful, to really bad, to bad, to not so bad, to okay, to good, to really good, but the bottom line is that it took time. I am not perfect and I will never be, but it is the progress and the action of continuing to MOVE FORWARD NO MATTER WHAT that has helped me the most through all of this. I know that eventually I’ll hit my goal or somewhere around it…I’m just gonna go with the flow…


  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    wow! what an inspiration!!!! you rock!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    YOU ARE AWESOME! You keep up that great work. Very inspirational!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    This is so great! I really like that you stressed how much time this change has involved!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Super proud of you!!!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! !
  • SarahxCheesecake
    SarahxCheesecake Posts: 169 Member
    115 pounds...gone...WORD! <<< what does the 'word' bit mean? Is this an American slang word or something?
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Well done, and thank you for sharing your words of wisdom :)
  • MunekitaSoyYo
    Wow!!! 115 pounds.. that is completely amazing!! Congratulations on the great job & you are such an inspiration for people like me that are just starting out.! I actually weighed myself this morning & have reached a 10 pound weightloss so far. After reading your story, it jsut wants to make me keep going & going. Thank you!! :o)
  • leecee18
    I really like what you said about the eating aspect of your journey (horrible, to bad, to not-so-bad, to good, etc.). It puts it all in to a smart perspective and backs up my ever evolving practices of taking small steps to make big changes! Thanks for sharing, it's amazing what you've accomplished!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    Thanks everyone...it really does take time, but we can all get there! :)
  • ReneeWilliams1
    Wow that is really great and inspirational. Just makes me think that maybe there is a chance for me after all. :smile:
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration! You did it the right way, and it will pay off for the rest of your life. That's priceless!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    Thanks! There is hope for everyone...as long as we can let in a little bit of it, it can turn into a whole lot of it! :)
  • MunekitaSoyYo
    Wow! I was completly amazed by your story! Congratulations to you! I've been trying to get these extra 70 , 80 pounds off and as you know it's super tough. I've been trying the gym and changing foods & it just seems that I can't seem to loose more than 30 punds at a time after huge platus... (like a year in between). It's tough, but nice to know that it actually IS possible to do. I've been completating some type of alternative to help (perhaps some sort of operation?) Thank you for sharing your amazing story! :o)