How do I convince my husband to feed our daughter healthy fo

My husband feeds our 4 year old crap and I'm getting really mad. I cook most nights but I work graveyards 3 nights a week and on those nights he feeds her junk. Frozen pizza or plain white spaghetti (just noodles, I am serious). He says she asks for it. I say "so what if she asks for it? You're the parent! Part of being a parent is providing nutritious meals." I've agreed to pizza once a week but plain spaghetti???? No. Just no.
He is skinny but she has my body type and I dont want her to struggle with her weight the way I do. It is my heart's deepest desire to give my child the best start in life. I feel like it should be his too and I'm angry and resentful about this. I might just have to suck it up and make her dinner even though I feel so tired I can barely remember my own name on my work days. How do I motivate him to feed her healthy food? By the way he is a CHEF he knows how to cook. I'm not asking him to throw down a gourmet meal for her - I just want her to have a healthy nourishing supper. Help!!


  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    If he's a chef, he probably doesn't want to cook at home.

    If you really care, make something beforehand that he can warm up.

    However, don't fall into the trap of thinking he has no say in this. He gets input in how to raise the kid, too.
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    Have a heart to heart with him at a time when you're both calm. Tell him you're concerned about teaching her poor eating habits and tell him you don't want her to struggle with her weight later. If that doesn't work, prep meals for her in advance so all he has to do is heat them up.

    Good luck...that would drive me nuts...
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Next time you go grocery shopping, maybe you can replace some of those items with other things. For example, buy whole wheat spaghetti instead, and look for something healthier to replace the frozen pizza. This way, he won't have "junk" to feed her and will have to make her something more nutritious.

    One thing my daughter loves is chicken nuggets. I bake them so they aren't greasy. I got the recipe from; they're pretty easy to make. (I substitute milk for the butter)

    I know it's hard to feed toddlers good food all the time. We both work full time, and it can be a challenge to get healthy meals on the table. We can only do the best we can. Good luck!
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    It's shouldn't be about her being skinny, but about her being healthy. She can be thin as a rail and eat all the spaghetti she wants, but that's not necessarily healthy.
    Does your husband eat the same foods he feeds her? Who does the majority of grocery shopping?
    You can't force him to see things your way, but you can prepare meals in advance for her. I think it really is a compromise, really try to make healthier versions of the foods she likes AND include more vegetables.
    Also give her a multi-vitamin, it isn't the cure-all, but will help with some of the nutrients she is missing.
  • sarkris
    Thanks for the suggestions guys - I think I'm just going to have to make food in advance for her and put her meal plan on the fridge. And have a talk.
    Appreciate all your input. :)