Rewards for Goals

When you reach your goal (either a big or little one) do you reward yourself? I wasn't going to, but decided that my first goal of 20% of what I want to lose (6lbs or so), I'll get my hair cut into something I like more. (It's grown out and I don't like it right now.)

At 10lbs I'll figure out something for me.

At 50% of what I'd like to lose (15lbs or so) I'm rewarding myself with new knee high boots!

Not sure what 75% and 100% will bring...probably new pants!

What are some of your rewards?


  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Losing all my excess is reward enough (halo spinning furiously) but I am thinking about a tattoo a la Shannen Poynton
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I went out and got some new clothes - stuff I wouldn't have worn at my heavy weight. I guess it was more of a necessity than a reward, but it felt good to donate the bigger sizes. :smile:
  • robinaddison
    robinaddison Posts: 232 Member
    ...does the new car I bought myself the day I got on the scales and was down 50lbs since I started count? LOL!!!
  • CuteEllais
    CuteEllais Posts: 39 Member
    That's a reward I wish I could do...but I just bought a new to me car :)
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    I think a haircut is a great way to reward yourself!

    Other ideas for rewards:

    new lipstick
    fresh flowers
    spa day
    a new purse
    museum membership
    a day/weekend trip