Is eating at night bad, if you have the calories for it?

My husband and I always end up eating at night after dinner, while the kids are falling asleep and we're watching t.v. Ever since joining MFP I make sure I have enough calories to have my nighttime snack and it's almost always a healthy snack. I've heard that eating at night can be bad for you and lead to weight gain, but I've also heard it's just a way to not eat as many calories. So, is it okay for me to be eating late at night, or would it be better for me to eat all of my calories during the day and not save any for late at night?


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If I go to bed hungry, I won't sleep. I eat at night because I like to sleep.
  • mrskaylaforthewin
    it dont matter... tbh.... ive heard docs say its fine
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    no, there is no arbitrary cut off time that suddenly makes eating "bad" if you are fitting it into your daily cals
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    It's fine, your body doesn't know what time it is. As long as you have a calorie deficit, you're good.
  • KellyRunyon
    i always save between 100-150 calories for night so I can have a snack after both of my boys are in bed and I don't have to "share" my snack with them which is usually a skinny cow ice cream bar.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    Just the opposite, it is good. The only reason people say not to eat at night is because they tend to eat junkfood, and too much of it. If you can eat healthy in the evening, that is the best thing for you, IMHO.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    If you eat too soon before bedtime, your body won't metabolise the calories quite as efficiently as when you're awake. Better to graze during the day to make sure you don't feel hungry when you collapse in front of the TV. A drink would be OK though, and often helps with the hunger.
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    You're probably going to get a variety of answers for this one, but I think it has to do with your metabolism and what you eat exactly. You should always eat light (fruit, granola, veggies, etc) at night because your metabolism slows down while you sleep. But you can eat at night - especially if you have the calories! If it makes you feel any better, I've lost all the weight I have and I always eat after 9 pm because we exercise after he gets off work around 9. Know your body!
    My husband and I always end up eating at night after dinner, while the kids are falling asleep and we're watching t.v. Ever since joining MFP I make sure I have enough calories to have my nighttime snack and it's almost always a healthy snack. I've heard that eating at night can be bad for you and lead to weight gain, but I've also heard it's just a way to not eat as many calories. So, is it okay for me to be eating late at night, or would it be better for me to eat all of my calories during the day and not save any for late at night?
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Take a look at this...hope it helps :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I eat the majority of my calories between midnight-4am. Have done since i started, and I'm doing fine!

    The only reason late night snacking gets a bad rep is because most obese people eat their normal amount during the day, and THEN snack at night, thus adding extra calories, taking them into a surplus. If you still eat at a deficit, doesn't matter when you eat.
  • Ebbsies
    Not unless your like me and have IBS-C where you are a "Slow goer" and food takes longer to digest causing more water retention or feeling backed up the next day, lol TMI, other than that, there is no proof in clinical studies that not eating before bed helps with losing weight, calories in/calories out applies to the majority of the population. :)
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    I always right before bed since I am nightshift worker. I never had any problems in losing weight because of this. :)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    If you are losing weight while doing so then it shouldn't matter right? I don't believe in this 'don't eat after a certain time' crap. Our body's are always burning calories-exercise helps to burn more etc etc etc. A lot of the problems with eating at night comes from what people eat. At night we are more likely to grab a salty fattening snack rather than something that is healthy and low in calories. Just keep it low in calories like you said and you shoudl be fine. There is no specific way for everyone to eat across the board-just see what works for you.
  • Runnermadre
    Runnermadre Posts: 267 Member
    I've tried arranging my calories in different ways, but I always end up hungrier in the second half of the day. I usually end up hungry again within the last two hours before bed, so I eat. I have lost almost 30 lbs, and in fact, I have been able to maintain my goal weight without a problem even with night eating. :-)
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    The only reason late night snacking gets a bad rep is because most obese people eat their normal amount during the day, and THEN snack at night, thus adding extra calories, taking them into a surplus. If you still eat at a deficit, doesn't matter when you eat.

    ^I totally agree with this.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,245 Member
    If you eat too soon before bedtime, your body won't metabolise the calories quite as efficiently as when you're awake. Better to graze during the day to make sure you don't feel hungry when you collapse in front of the TV. A drink would be OK though, and often helps with the hunger.

    This is a myth. Your bodies metabolism does not stop at night, it keeps working along. In fact at night it is quite active repairing the damage and stress that is put on your body through your daily activity. Some people have issues with heart burn if they eat close to bed, but the OP didn't ask about digestive issue, but caloric issues.

    To the OP, it is fine as long as you stay within your calorie budget. I often eat late at night and it has not harmed my weight loss at all. I am much more likely to go off the rails from eating many small meals through the day than from eating at night.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    I've tried arranging my calories in different ways, but I always end up hungrier in the second half of the day. I usually end up hungry again within the last two hours before bed, so I eat. I have lost almost 30 lbs, and in fact, I have been able to maintain my goal weight without a problem even with night eating. :-)

    I totally agree...

    I eat my snack sometimes, sometimes right up to bedtime..that reminds me I gotta change my times on my diary..hehe! Add me if you want..I still lose the worries on my end as it is :wink:
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Just the opposite, it is good. The only reason people say not to eat at night is because they tend to eat junkfood, and too much of it. If you can eat healthy in the evening, that is the best thing for you, IMHO.

    I agree 100% with this. (Yes, your body does slow down your metabolism at night - but that's only after a certain amount of REM sleep and then it's good, because you have the longest gap between meals between dinner (or your last snack) and breakfast. If your body didn't slow down your metabolism you'd wake up starving!)
  • alapoint89
    no its not bad because while sleeping you still burn calories and it helps you lose weight done worry about what time you eat just eat if you do have the calories just dont weight yourself the next morning it wont be as accurate
  • finchase
    I almost always have extra calories left at night, so I will have a snack to make sure I at least hit 1200 calories for the day. I always make it a healthy snack like fruit or some Special K treat. Occasionally, if I'm really low on carbs that day I'll have a small bowl of oatmeal. Just try not to let that snack push you over your daily calorie goal; as others have said, it's all about the calorie deficit.