Hi - My name is Sherri (2297) and this is my 3rd week on myfitnesspal. After trying diet after diet, my daughter-in-law suggest this program. So Far I have not had a soda (5 20oz bottles per day) since I started. I have lost 9 pounds and I have found this to be a
very good way to keep track of my food. This week though I seem not to have any engery at all - any ideas??


  • It could be that your body is going into withdrawal from the sugar it used to get everyday from the sodas. You should ensure that you are consuming enough water every day, that could be a factor as well. Keep at it, I am sure it will get better.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    First, WELCOME! I love this site and I think you will, too. Congratulations on giving up the sodas. I, for the most part, drank Diet Dr. Pepper although an occasional Coke made it's way in the house. I gave those up on August 1st. I would guess (just a guess) that you were probably drinking a lot of caffeine. If that's the case, that may be affecting your energy levels.

    Good luck!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Awesome job so far!

    For more energy, try drinking more water and taking a B-complex vitamin (it usually helps with my afternoon lows). If you need caffeine try drinking some green tea :)
  • You could try substituting your soda with green tea (it's good iced, too), which should give you some energy and act as an antioxidant as a plus.
    Also, if you can, try eating more green leafy vegetables, or anything high with iron because lack of it can also fatigue you.

    Hope this helps!
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    Ohhhh I know that feeling!!! First makes sure you have everything checked out by a doctor first to rule out any health issues. My 3rd week in I couldn't get enough sleep!!! I couldn't understand it either... I was eating healthier and exercising at least five days a week. My thought is I was to feel better and have more energy! Wrong... It takes your body time to adjust, but just keep at it!!!!!!!!! I have been and I don't feel as tired and I love the exercise high I get after my gym session.

    Feel free to add me and I will add you too. Support is always here from the MFP members!!!!!

    Stay with it!
  • Hi everyone - introduction of me. New to this site - one week in and I've lost 2 lbs. Tracking meals is key - I had NO idea how much I was eating!! My boyfriend is a trainer and has been a great resource for nutrition and excercise.

    My goal is to lose about 25-30 lbs and I made a pact with colleages to make it a team effort. Trying to mix it up with running on the weekends and elliptical/lifting during the week but with cold weather approaching, I'm open to suggestions to keep it up. I'm committed to being in my best shape ever and look to all of you for support, recommendation and keeping me away from D9 (that is the Hershey bar with almonds in the company vending machine!)
