Any disabled people try Silver Sneakers??

Im disabled & cant do much for exercise. So yesterday i stopped in my local fitness center to see what they offer.
Well after talking to the trainer there he suggested a program called "SILVER SNEAKERS".
Its geared for the over 60 crowd, doing low impact aerobics, stretching, resistance training etc. But they do have some younger disabled people in there too!
He said my medicare/medicaid should pay for it, & medicare/medicaid will pay for a years gym membership too if i join silver sneakers!!!! sounds outstanding to me!
so my question to you is, have any other disabled people tried it? did you like it? was getting a gym membership worth it? or should i just stick to my walking, swimming & my exercise ball at home?
i'd love to hear your thoughts on it.


  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I've never tried it or even heard of it, but if it's free...might as well TRY something new. Good luck!
  • mikeywhite20
    hi im also severly disabled after an accident at work an now being unable to walk properly and spending a life time in pain i thought i will never be able to loose weight and excerise at the same time but i found that after finally trying swimming its the best excerise a disabled person can do try 10-15mins just streching and kicking your legs then try laps (oviously in the slow lane) but i managed to burn 500 calories in my first visit!! hope this kinda helps i know it aint much to do with your choosen topic lol
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    hi im also severly disabled after an accident at work an now being unable to walk properly and spending a life time in pain i thought i will never be able to loose weight and excerise at the same time but i found that after finally trying swimming its the best excerise a disabled person can do try 10-15mins just streching and kicking your legs then try laps (oviously in the slow lane) but i managed to burn 500 calories in my first visit!! hope this kinda helps i know it aint much to do with your choosen topic lol

    thanks Mike!
    Thats where i started too was with swimming. hang with it, its a miracle therapy!!

    i had several back operations & hand operations. I need to have my neck operated on, but im putting it off as long as possible.
    I have severe nerve damage too from all the trauma. And now some bad arthritis is settling in my bones. im in constant pain too.
    but i am off all my meds finally. (i only take them when i cant stand the pain no longer).
    not being able to move & all the pain meds made me fat. now that im losing the weight & off the meds, it helps alot!

    after swimming you'll be walking, after walking you'll be on the big ball doing exercises.
    the key is just to keep moving, even when you dont want to.

    thats where im at now. i suck at working out on my own 3 times a week.
    this silver sneaker program does alot of the exercises that im doing now at home. some same, some different.
    i was hoping with a set schedule I'd be better at sticking with it. plus having a trainer there would be nice to make sure i dont re-injure myself again.
    i dont know if a gym membership is worth it for me tho since i cant use alot of the equipement & i cant lift anything heaver than 7 pounds.
    thats why i would like to hear from others that are disabled. What are you doing???
  • mikeywhite20
    well yea im similar i can't work anymore i used to be a skilled carpenter but have no chance in hell doin that again or even now after 2 years i can't even think of trying office type roles but due to my helpin needs i cant do that. Well basically it could be a waste of money from where im standing cause first session would be great but the next day ur condition could flair up and for me thats permanent and you could end up loosin money each month as to pay when u want to go when ur feelin ok, just a segestion thats why im not signin up to a membership im just pay when need to go at the mo
  • anderswolfcastle
    I am limited to lifting 2lbs>, and walking less than 1 block a day. no exercise is medically allowed, but my doctor encourages me to "keep moving as much as possible, just don't injure yourself". washing dishes by hand is more exercise than I can usually handle but I do light stretches using an exercise ball. I also warm up and cool down to help reduce injury. I was very active before my injury. I worked very hard to regain what I could.

    as long as you are medically cleared for the program..and your insurance covers it, then I say go for it. you might learn something new you can do. after so many years of being restricted, I would love to find something new.