I WANT to like yoga, but.....



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I also have to ask if those two classes, years apart, were the same KIND of yoga.

    Yes - the same kind. The first go-around was when I was working in a high-stress job and had to drive like 30 miles across town (after work in rush hour) to meet my friends for the class, so I figured those factors had a lot to do with my inability to relax and enjoy.

    Second time, 10 years later, was while I was laid off for a while, and was a lot less stressed, and I still felt the same way....it even got me agitated at times for some reason.

    Maybe I'll do some research and try a different kind sometime though...
  • I'm not sure where you live but in my neighborhood we have dozens of yoga to choose from! Try hot yoga. Bikram is nice but gets boring to me (same 27 poses held statically). I'm in love with hot vinyasa yoga. Try holding downward dog for a minute, moving to plank, sun sal, crescent, warrior and repeat. It'll kick your *kitten* for sure!
  • I too hated yoga when I first started, it was long and boring. But I kept at it, and while I don't love it, I have learned to appreciate it for its benefits. Once I started to see changes in my ability it wasn't so bad, so my advice is to keep at it for a bit longer, maybe seeing the benefits will help.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    That being said, what kind of yoga were you doing? I get bored during hatha yoga classes, and actually sometimes use a short hatha practice to help me fall asleep.

    I believe both classes I took were hatha. Last time was a couple of years ago, but the topic came up at work today...a co-worker asked me if I'd done it and I said "yes, and I hated it", and the girl behind her said she loves it.... so I figured I'd toss it out there.

    Its become pretty trendy again the last few years, and seems like it would be nice to be able to relax like that, but I just can't get into it. I don't think I'd try the group-class route again, but maybe will give it a shot again by myself at home....

    Do not, do not, DO NOT do it by yourself at home until you've been taking classes with a qualified instructor for a while. PLEASE. Yoga looks like it's simple and easy, but you can seriously injure yourself for life if you do a posture wrong.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    NO! i dont do yoga either, i tried one but the intructor said i wasnt in tune with my inner zen! lol! dont do chanting etc! maybe i just went to a bad class? lol
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    NO! i dont do yoga either, i tried one but the intructor said i wasnt in tune with my inner zen! lol! dont do chanting etc! maybe i just went to a bad class? lol

    Sounds like you went to a class more focused on the spiritual side than the exercise side.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I tried yoga but found it boring. Some classes focus more on meditation or chanting which TOTALLY turns me off. I ended up falling in love with mat pilates, where some parts are yoga-esque, but I find it much more interesting and makes more sense to me. Plus, no meditation or chanting. :wink:

    Like anything, find something you like and you'll stick with it!
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    I love yoga!! I work in a high energy, noisy environment all day M-F, and love the opportunity to just unwind after work and be calm and peaceful (I do primarily restorative/yin yoga). Plus, best of all, it's a great way for me to stretch after a long run -- I feel much more flexible (with less sore muscles), which I think is a benefit to my running. To each their own.
