Hi my name is Lesle and i have a food addiction. Food has been my best friend since i can remember. When i'm happy i celebrate with food. When i'm down i cope with food. I have tried many diets and have yet to stick to them. I am a 26 year old diabetic and need to lose weight or suffer the consequences later in life. I've used the site before and quit becasue i'm lazy. I'm hoping i can get fit and get my health back in good standing. I am open to any suggestions and success stories that would help.

Current Weight: 226lbs
Goal Weight: 150lbs


  • ahendrix12
    I've only been here for a while, and there are really great people on here willing to push you and be your supporter. I would love to step up and support you in any way I can.

    Try eating healthier meals at first. I can tell you that I'm not one for exercise but a walk a day won't hurt. You're not doing something hard but you are doing something that will burn calories.

    Good luck and I hope you stick with us this time. :]
  • lhinds85
    lhinds85 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragment. I am going to start walking my son to the park. I'm hoping running around with him will help me as well.
  • 160poundgirl
    Feel free to add me. I am on day # 4 and determined to make it work!! You can do it!!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    you have taken an important first step by admitting that you have a problem and that living a healthier lifestyle in the past hasn't worked for you in the past because you were lazy.

    for your second step, I want you to fill out your MFP profile with as much brutal honesty as possible. your post on this thread is a good start, but you need more. the information you put on your profile could be what saves you from getting off track again. sure, you feel good about your decision to lose weight now...but what about when it becomes a challenge? where will you find those magic pills to help you stay on track? answer: you will go to your profile and read some brutal honesty. here are things to include:

    why have you failed in the past? one answer is "being lazy"...but really think about whether there were other physical and mental impediments to having success. what special food kicked you off the track (that's something you won't want to be around this time). why weren't your motivations strong enough? were you simply interested in losing weight...or were you committed to living a healthier life. were you willing to accept that this has to be a lifestyle change and, therefore, understood it would take time to lose weight. were you prepared for a slow, but successful journey?

    you then need to answer what you can do differently this time around. I'm a repeat offender and one thing I've done differently this time (in addition to changing my focus from simply losing weight to living healthier) is created a LARGE accountability circle. accountability starts with yourself...and MFP is great for that. commit to logging your food each and every day. commit to an official weekly weigh-in day, and registering your weight even if you gain weight (I gained about 4 pounds between weigh-in days from last week to this week...I wasn't happy about it...but I still recorded it, felt humbled by it, and felt empowered by it...doing so made me more accountable and put me back on the right track). also, the pals on MFP are nice and helpful....but how about some real accountability. my accountability circle started with my immediate family, expanded quickly to my extended family, and then my co-workers, close friends and eventually facebook. that's a lot of people who will keep my feet to the fire. I encourage you to create an expanded accountability circle with people who know you.

    write down at least 10 specific things you HATE about being overweight. be brutally honest. you're going to need to read these things when your motivation starts to falter. this is going to be part of your magic pill to help you get back on track.

    enjoy the journey. I feel a ton better for being on this journey. I know I will feel even better as I continue the journey.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragment. I am going to start walking my son to the park. I'm hoping running around with him will help me as well.

    while exercise has its advantages, keep in mind that no amount of exercise will undo bad eating. weight loss starts in the kitchen...and nutrition is at least 80% of the weight loss equation.
  • mindyahart
    Good luck! I am in my second week and still trying to curb my old/bad habits. So far eating 5-6 times a day has helped! I also changed to the set up of my food diary to reflect. Instead of Break, Lunch, Dinner I have Breakfast, 1st snack, Lunch, 2nd snack, Dinner and sometimes 3rd snack. It seems to be working for me!!!!
  • broken_star1134
    broken_star1134 Posts: 65 Member
    You said "suffer the consequences later in life" Seems like you are suffering them now! If you don't try your best, later in life it's all just going to be worse than it is now. You took the first step by coming here but you have to really commit yourself to a life change not just a diet. By doing that, you will not only help yourself but your son as well. I have been overweight pretty much my whole life as well and recently started my journey. Since I started, I have noticed my boys (3 and almost 8) have started making healthier choices as well. We, as a family, never drank water and milk pretty much just with cereal. I have been drinking pretty much only water and stopped buying so much soda and juices. Since then, my boys ask for water or milk every single day. Even if we have juice in the house! I have limited it to a cup of juice and then a cup of water when we do have juice in the house. Set mini goals for yourself. Don't focus on the huge overall number. Also, when I am in the kitchen waiting for something to cook or waiting for water to boil..whatever....I have been dancing around or doing squats, or any other different exercise for those few minutes. I figure it's better than just standing there for the time. It also doesn't take all that much energy to count calories especially with this awesome site! My oldest is in Cub Scouts and their motto is "Do Your Best" It applies to adults as well! Just do your best. The next day, try to push yourself just a little harder. Before you know it, you will be looking forward to exercising and getting in shape! Good luck with your journey :o)