On a whim

Hi There!

I was talking to my sister in law (SKlahsen) who has been using myfitnesspal. She has lost 13lbs in the past month!! She told me about the site, and on a whim I signed up. I knew I had to start doing something, so why not start now!!

I've input my breakfast and lunch for the day and I'm already over in all categories except for fat.... I guess we're drinking water for supper! ;) just kidding.... tomorrow is a new day, and now I have benchmarks to keep me on track.
I can set long term goals no problem, but they are so broad and far off that I never attain them. With the trackers on this site, it helps me set daily goals. Much more attainable, and far more rewarding.

Ready.... Set.... GOOO!!!



  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    Welcome! This site is wonderful for helping you keep yourself accountable. Along with the wonderful forums and users, it makes your lifestyle change pretty painless. If you have a smart phone, I very much recommend downloading the MFP app as it is free and wonderful for when you're out and about. I think you'll enjoy it here. Get involved and make friends, join a group or a challenge and make this a priority in your life! You can do it! :D
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member

    Knowledge is power!! I found that I was truly surprised by the calorie counts of some foods when I started logging. Let that guide your future food choices and you will get healthier & healthier!

    Best of luck!
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    When I started tracking on this site I was over too. This site has truely helped me plan my meals. Good luck, and I think you'll find the site very helpful