help I dont know how to stop!



  • alligatorsmile
    I recommend a book called "Skinny Thinking" by Laura Katleman-Prue or even Bob Harper's book "Are You Ready?"
    Both address the issues of emotional and/or stress eating. The bottom line is to address or feel whatever uncomfortable situation you're in that causes you to reach for food in lieu of x, y, or z.

    It's a lot harder than "if you truly want it, then you have to take control of yourself." If you can afford it, see a therapist who specializes in the emotional aspects of eating. The next best thing is self help.

    On a side note, chili cheese tots sound really good!!!!

    My girlfriend and I used to eat some fast food without realizing the health repercussions. After watching a few movies and reading a couple books the last couple years, we're literally sicked out at the amount of crap in fast food. Even when she says, "MMM KFC" as we ride our bikes past the KFC, I used to think "Smells good!" Now I think "Smells like sodium and bloat" and I give her a quick slap. We looked up the nutritional content on it and were freaking shocked at the odd ingredient list (MSGville!) So you can also learn to disassociate those things like I have for certain things. Whatever works! Good luck.
    BTW "Food Inc" grossed me out a lot. We used to buy a package of Tyson chicken tenders or something like that each week at the grocery store. After we saw those people spray ammonia on all the chicken meat, we hadn't bought it since. Ignorance is bliss, but reality can be sickening!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I have that type of a relationship with my mom too. I am sorry I know it can be very hard to calm down, especially when it hurts so much. I actually stopped talking to her, not to punish her or even as a consequence, but because she effects me so much.
    What I used to do when she would hurt me is run, I used to feel a kind of hist aria come on me and I am a calm person except when it comes to her.
    For me the reason I would feel that way is because of all the bad advice she would give me and I would do it. Even if I didn't want to and I know it is wrong. I could never help it and she just would never stop convincing me to do things that were detrimental to my future like she doesn't want me to succeed. The hist aria would come from me struggling with my self after she would tell me to do stuff, ex: when I was in college she never wanted me to study at all. She used to be a religious person who didn't drink, till it came to my studies, then she will convince me to go to the local bar ( with a live band) and just relax. We would stay there till early morning and I had an exam that morning. Every time I would bring up the fact that I had to go home and sleep b/c I have an exam, she would say to stop being a fuddy duddy.

    I would have to say the one that made me stay away is when she told me to watch my husband around our daughter, and not to trust him around our daughter especially at night. He is a wonderful husband and father, and I let the call go without any bad emotions and just let go. I was done, I am not going to let her ruin my marriage or break up my family.
    I haven 't spoken to her since, she has been divorced three times and I just think it is who she is; leaving destruction behind every where she goes.

    I haven't talked about this to anyone other than my hubby and father, it feels good to get this out.
    I must say the only thing that worked for me before I let her go was running. When I couldn't breath, I would stop and ketch my breath then run some more. Run as fast as you can and just leave everything behind you.

    good luck!