How often do you go under or over your calorie count....



  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I personally think that this is meant to be a life change and therefore you will have to be able to live with the change. There are going to be times that you are going to eat more or less than a specific number of calories. I, for one, am never going to go without eating another cheese steak for the rest of my life. So, I am sure the day that I decide to eat a small cheese steak I may go over my calories. I will do my best to eat healthy, but I won't starve myself all day so that I can eat something unhealthy for dinner. I will plan better and make better choices, but I think if we go over every once and a while it will not sabatoge out efforts. I hope this helps
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    If I don't earn any exercise calories, I am pretty much guaranteed to go over.

    For several weeks during the summer, I was consistently over (significantly) every day.

    By "over," I mean anywhere from +20 to +400.

    Now that I'm back on track with earning exercise cals, I'm consistenly within 100, either +/- which I consider "close enough."
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    hello friend!! i've been half or more-under the majority of the time.

    the more water i drink-the less i eat plus i just havent been hungry for the most part. and other times. my homelife isnt the usual-

    not weird just different. i dont exercise much due to health issues or my life in general..guess that wasnt much help then...sorry

  • JerseyGirl5970
    JerseyGirl5970 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks You all this has helped me allot!!!! I'm still loosing so I will keep doing what I'm doing.