Thinking about joining a gym...



  • edmondskm
    Oh no, I go to a side campus of a community college. Not all classes are even available at my no gym there!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I pay $54/month just for ME. I go month-to-month and I like not being stuck in a contract. You got a steal to find one that's only $60 for you and your hubby. I love my gym, although it is small with not very many machines. During peak times (5-7) I may not get an elliptical because there are only 8. There are not many gym choices here. I could have gone with Gold's Gym but when I went to take a tour there were children climbing all over the weight machines and I wasn't thrilled about that. I try and go 4-5x a week. The other days I can't make it there is when I just use my elliptical at home. It is in my garage and gets VERY hot and stuffy as you can imagine so it's only a last resort. Anyway, the gym is my time away from work and home life where I can just relax and take some moments to myself. You just really have to think about if you are going to use it, and make it a habit.
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    I go 6 times a week to World's but it only costs 10 bucks a month!! they are open 24 hours except sunday they close at 6 and reopen monday morning at 5am ....... I absolutely love it.
  • Sallycinnimon
    Sallycinnimon Posts: 102 Member
    If finances are an issue, the YMCA has student rates. Idk about there, but the one by me does finacial assistance too, plus if you dont want a memebership, its $5 each visit.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I guess it depends on what your gym requires when you sign up. I go to a gym where you only have to pay them $10 once a month, there's no yearly contract or anything, so I can decide to stop going with no repercussions. I go to the gym about 4 days a week. Since your gym isn't open 24 hours you'd have to consider the location. If you don't happen to pass it on a daily routine, that might not be the best idea because there's still the gas prices and you said that finances are tight. I definitely love my gym, it's a small, friendly environment. Just consider all the membership fees and it's location and how often you would actually be able to get there based on when it closes before deciding whether or not to join.
  • AlynLeigh
    AlynLeigh Posts: 39 Member
    I am for building a home gym. This way there is not the excuse not to go cause you would have to drive some where, or cause its raining or cold or icy roads, or that you dont have any clean work out cloths and just your favorite old shirt with a hole or two.... Basically to get ride of the excuses.... and the cost per month has an end date. Once you have all your pieces, your done. ^_^
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Totally love the gym just down the road from home. We walk there as a warm up, there's machines for everything and a great free weights area. There's always staff to answer Qs and show how to use stuff, plus every 2-3 months you can get a free new program and a session on how to do it (like a free PT session). It's safe, secure and fun. If I fall over in the park I might not get help, but someone will assist in the gym. And I never get sunburnt at the gym (a big problem in Australia). I do exercise outside a fair bit as well, walking and running and cycling but I have to choose my times.