Hello New

Im new to the community not MFP I use the app and just now started using online and am looking for support with FOOD I am working out with my DH that is a personal trainer so I am blessed there but I have gotten OUT OF CONTROL cause of health issues (that are now cleared up) I went from 145 to 182 today and Im SICK of it!!!

The ONLY area I need help with is the FOOD part as DH uses MASSIVE amounts of CARBS and such cause he cant keep weight on and he said he would do a food plan but thought it may be easier for me to get online and learn from others with issues like me that already have it figured out lol

So here is what I need and dont know if anyone can help me or not!

Low carbs, like no pasta,breads ect those I KNOW make me gain weight
I CANT eat fish other than shrimp and crab it makes me sick (as in in the BATHROOM sick lol)
I dont do red meat
I do eat mostly chicken
No pork (or very rare as bacon in the AM like once a month maybe)

I dont do veggies like squash and such just normal bland plain veggies like corn,peas ect lol

so any help would be GREAT!!