Healthy Eating & the Economy

My husband lost his job four years ago and is not finding anything out there. At 40, it is hard for him to have to go work at McDonald's after making 75k per year. I have had to carry our household, which is a major strain on the marriage. I gained back most of my weight due to stress and just not caring. Then being on a budget it is hard to buy healthy foods. Fresh and Organic foods are not always the best deals when you are also feeding a family. Yes, I would like chicken breasts but leg quarters are much cheaper. On those nights when we have to get fast food it is hard to pay also $2.50 more for a "healthier" option. I am right now fighting to feed my family on about $5-$7 a meal so that $2.50 so not worth it. I can get a loaf of white bread for $1.50 but to get the Nature's Own Double Fiber is $3.29 for less slices of bread. The cheaper foods are high in sugar, fats and preservatives I cannot pay the money to NOT eat "Enriched", "Trans Fats" and High Fructose Corn Syrup in foods.

Do not feel sorry for me when you read this! I am BLESSED! There are people worse than I could ever imagine. Just trying to find out if there are some secrets and tips that I do not know about. I have gained 17 pounds back in since we had to move from our house. Some of this is depression the other is the budgeting. The depression is over - it is what it is:bigsmile: . I ready to get back to losing these pounds.

This economy is hard! Any tips on how I can diet without taking food out of my family’s mouths.


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I honestly don't know what to say except...YOU ARE AMAZING! :)

    Lots of frozen foods can be pretty cheap, there are frozen veggies and meats I buy for sometimes under a dollar! Bananas are pretty cheap as well, and for cheap meals pasta with meat is always a good choice!
  • My husband has also been out of work for 2 years and I feel your pain and agree that eating healthy is much more expensive. Do you have an Aldi store in your area? They do have some more healthy options at a reasonable price. They have the Fit and Active line and also have some whole grain bread options as well. I have found I can get many items from Aldi for cheaper prices. Also chicken thighs are not as expensive as breasts and you can have two for much lower calories. As for fast food, I try and skip that and just get my daughter a burger meal and I get a ice tea or diet coke and eat at home before we go or keep some low cal snacks in my purse to eat. Good luck!!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Wow, you and your family have been through a lot. It really is tough sometimes to eat healthy on a tight budget, but it is possible. Do you live in an area where there are any farmer's markets? I find there are often really good deals on produce, especially when things are at the end of the season, and you can buy in bulk and freeze.

    I also like this website for recipes and ideas on shopping for healthy foods on a budget:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member

    Frozen veggies are great! Do you buy food in bulk? that can save you money. I make it a point to hardly ever buy things that aren't on sale. Sign up for alerts online which tell you when things are on sale. If you cut out a lot of processed foods it cuts down on the bills and gives you more money to eat a bit healthier. Eg.instead of a bag of potato chips, buy a bag of min carrots. dip them in low fat peanut butter :)

    Buy my biggest suggestion is to coupon. I save a ton that way :)
  • not sure how healthy these foods are but growing up my mom use to make these often cause they were affordable

    American Chop Suey

    elbow noodles
    1 pound hamburger fried up
    cook and combine noodles and burger then add the ketchup
    Tuna fish casserole

    1 can tuna fish in water
    elbow noodles
    1 can cream of mushroom soup
    1 can peas

    cook the noodles drain them then add soup tuna that has been drained and can of peas that have been drained.

    I am also a big into coupons, finding things when they are on sale then add the coupon to go with it is great. I would like to mention a website that I use lots of good info on there. hope some of this can be of help. :)
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Have you ever tried baking your own bread? It's cheaper. And you can add whatever you want to it. You can make it as healthy as you want. You can buy the whole grain mix, or look on line for a home made recipe. Also, don't know if you buy soda's....but that is a good thing to CUT! Save a little $$$ on that at least, and soda's are so bad for you. Try partnering up with your neighbor on your trash service. Cut your cable down to the bare bones. You are an amazing person and you probably already do most of these things. Times are tough.....BUT I KNOW YOU ARE TOUGHER! Things will hopefully get better soon, so hang in there. Lisa from California =) PS....and I'm so glad that you realize how blessed you are!!!
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I check the store circular and stock up when stuff goes on sale. My grocery store had a 50% off sale on chicken breasts recently, so I bought a ton and froze them. You can also buy large bags of dry beans and brown rice; they are much cheaper than the canned/prepackaged kinds.

    If you have a farmers market in your area, check it out. If you go towards the end of the day, vendors are more willing to haggle for lower prices.
  • FlexAppeal79
    FlexAppeal79 Posts: 146 Member

    Frozen veggies are great! Do you buy food in bulk? that can save you money. I make it a point to hardly ever buy things that aren't on sale. Sign up for alerts online which tell you when things are on sale. If you cut out a lot of processed foods it cuts down on the bills and gives you more money to eat a bit healthier. Eg.instead of a bag of potato chips, buy a bag of min carrots. dip them in low fat peanut butter :)

    Buy my biggest suggestion is to coupon. I save a ton that way :)

    EXACTLY! Im not one of those EXTREME couponers, but i will get items for SUPER low with strategic planning...BOGO + Coupon = Super Cheap :happy: God Bless!
  • Homemade soups, made on the weekend, like yellow split pea, chicken wild rice, or vegetable beef or white bean and ham. Make enough to take with you to work. You can use a small amount of meat, like a slice of ham, leftover chicken, etc. If you serve it to your family,make some muffins to go with it. Or since your husband isn't working, turn the cooking over to him!!
  • hiemerapril
    hiemerapril Posts: 69 Member
    Tuna, bakery outlets for bread, peanut butter. Can't think of much more off the top of my head, other than what some other ppl have put. Coupons is a great idea too, get them online off the manufacturer's websites, sunday ppr's, hunt for sales, and early in the morning most stores reduce prices on meat that have a "sell or freeze by" date that is up on that day. Sometimes it is up to 50% off. Don't know if you do Wal Mart, but they have the price matching so u don't have to drive all over to get deals advertised in the weekly ads. I will keep you in my prayers!
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    Great tips! I can make a dollar squeeze out three more :laugh: . I love coupons. My favorite is that Wal Mart comps others prices so you never wanna be in line behind me. Farmers market is a great idea. The great thing is my husband hunts and fishes so really really have gotten in touch with nature.

    Keep them coming cause you guys have great information :flowerforyou: .
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Might not sound glamous but savory mince with frozen vege on mash potato is a healthy meal espeacially for the kids... and just east a smaller portion.

    Sausages are high in fat but if you take them out of the skins and make them into patties they release alot more fat.. once again with vegies and potatos.

    Meatloaf and vegies

    What about cans of tuna, you could make tuna bake, or mix the tuna with potato and make tuna patties.


    Even eggs and baked beans

    Chicken drumsticks are reasonably priced (in Australia anyhow) roast them on sunday and you can have them for lunch with a salad?

    As someone said previously lentils there filling and go a long way.

    There are many options. You will get through this and it will make you even stronger.

    I hope the sun shines brighter for you soon...
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    brown rice in a bag - about $1 at walmart. Serve it with every meal if you have to. Dried beans - same. Cook up a whole bag. Add a hamhock and an onion while cooking. Makes enough for quite a few meals. Serve over the brown rice (add hot sauce and raw chopped onion when it's done if you'd like). Good food and good for ya!

    eggs! My son is loving a breakfast burrito at any meal right now. Scrambled egg, sausage link, salsa, lettuce and ranch dressing (sometimes I leave the lettuce off).

    Make a casserole on Sunday - serve it for a few nights. 1-2 chicken breasts, rice, 1 head brocolli, cream of chicken soup, a little velveeta. Not exactly healthy, but filling and will go a LONG way.

    Hang in there... you aren't the only one! :o)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I dont know where you live but, I do find alot of GREAT deals on produce at my local Asian grocery store... Some of your ethnic stores might be helpful!
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    I have been eating on a TIGHT budget too!

    I make a lot of stews and veggie dishes that I freeze. I just made this awesome stew:

    BUT I added some ground Turkey that was on sale (sorry vegan recipe writer) and some zucchini/peppers that were on clearance. It easily made like 10 servings and cost maybe 14 bucks in groceries (though I had all the spices). I also drive an extra 15 minutes to go to the REALLY cheap asian market that has tons of very cheap produce.

    I have actually found myself eating healthier since I am on such a thin budget. I don't really go to restaurants, I buy dried beans/rice and whatever veggies or meat is on sale and cook all of my own meals. Dairy is expensive so my fancy cheese habit is dwindling.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you dont have to eat organic foods to eat healthy people
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Price of bread is crazy, I actually eat pitas most of the time. If you live in a big place and your husband isn't working send him out grocery shopping for the best deals. Use coupons and check your flyers for what's on sale. I always stock up on things when they are on sale.
  • hiemerapril
    hiemerapril Posts: 69 Member
    Oh, just thought of a good one driving home! Using oatmeal for crusts/ fillings instead of flour or bread crumbs!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    you dont have to eat organic foods to eat healthy people

    DAMN straight!!!
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    Organic is last on my list of cares. Pretty much we do the best with what we have. Great ideas people. We are very much into beans and cornbread and no worries about meat, Heck I might just give it up.