OCTOBER Calorie Burn Challenge!!



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I have updated the spreadsheet except for the points sheet.... I can't figure out how to add my name to column R on that tab. As long as I am added to that tab of the sheet, I can figure adding the points out. :wink:

    My only grip is that I just did a 10 mile run that burned my 1000 calories for week 1 and since it is Sunday it doesn't count!?! LOL :wink:

    Will we be posting on the thread daily of what we did (ie water, calories) or just do the google doc?

    Edit: I did my waist measurement around my belly button
  • not sure where to measurements - i got the weight - and see the inches lost (on the bottom) from week to week - but nothing for starting measurement - am i not seeing s/thing??

    @musky - you don't put your individual measurements - you enter the number that is the TOTAL of all of those measurements. Let me know if you still cannot find where to enter it.

    @carrriebear - you can post to the thread if you like, but you don't have to.... just make sure that you put your points on the spreadsheet everyday is all you have to do.

    @moon_light10 - YES! of course there is room for another!! Let me know if you have any questions or troubles!!

    Also, the "personal" challenge is whatever YOU make for yourself for the week. Ab crunches or whatever. I am not dictating your exercises to you - you know what you need to work on. Just make sure that you make it something that you have to WORK at - not too "easily" attainable.. :wink:

    Here is the new thread for Week 1 of our Calorie Burn Challenge.... remember, Week #1 you have to burn a minimum of 2000 calories this week (Monday through Sunday).

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Also, the "personal" challenge is whatever YOU make for yourself for the week. Ab crunches or whatever. I am not dictating your exercises to you - you know what you need to work on. Just make sure that you make it something that you have to WORK at - not too "easily" attainable.. :wink:

    Should we post what our personal challenge is on the thread?
  • Also, the "personal" challenge is whatever YOU make for yourself for the week. Ab crunches or whatever. I am not dictating your exercises to you - you know what you need to work on. Just make sure that you make it something that you have to WORK at - not too "easily" attainable.. :wink:

    Should we post what our personal challenge is on the thread?

    YES!! Post what your personal challenge is on the new thread......

    Here is the new thread for Week 1 of our Calorie Burn Challenge.... remember, Week #1 you have to burn a minimum of 2000 calories this week (Monday through Sunday).

    EWAJH Posts: 22 Member
    I am in