Hello dieters out there!

I have been using MFP for almost 3 weeks now. I am a housewife with 2 girls, one of them already in school. About a month ago I went to get my annual check-up and almost died when I stepped on the weight. I was 5 pound lighter than the day I went to the hospital to have my second child!! Even the doctor couldn't believe I had gained back every pound I had lost months after giving birth, which was over 20 lbs. Frustration overcame me and after crying for several days I was finally able to start dieting again. Fortunately I started working out last January so, I just had to stop eating wonderful things so my workouts would actually produce visible results. I already lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks, just like mfp predicted. That's definitely a motivator but not a month has gone by yet and I am already sick and tired of the daily meat n' salad dinner. Now I'm afraid of eating something fantastic (and with many calories) and falling off the wagon. I want a break from the salads but I feel I can only do that if I double my workout time or something so that I don't go over my daily calories. I know I'm not alone so, to all those dieters out there who feel the same, let's stick together and share the motivation when some of us are losing it! Good luck and stay healthy!!


  • Good Morning to all from MN!! Today I am starting to be responsible for what goes into my mouth!!! I had a real slap on the head this week. My blood pressure...I am starting the 5th kind of pill to help reduce my BP. I have recently gone thru several tests to try and determine the cause of this high BP...everything (which was good) checked out normal...so it comes down to my weight and still smoking...both I plan to change!!! This will be one of the hardest things I have done. But I have decided to live by the motto..only I can change me!! Today I talk big...and I have not hit the kitchen yet.. ;-) I have lost weight in the past and have quit smoking in the past...so both of which I know I can do. But now at 55yr...just letting myself do anything I want..not being responsible for any of it. So here goes!!!! Wish me luck. DeDe.....PS looking for a tool to also monitor blood sugars along with my food consumption, any ideas??
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I know what you mean! I have been getting bored so I have made some calorie changes. We do not have loaves of bread around the house any more. We use the thin bread 100 calories to make a sandwich instead of almost 200 for the bread alone. Only mustard for a condiment. Low Fat meat and cheese. about 230 calories for a sandwich. Baby carrots, cucumbers or celery instead of chips and lots of water. We have been doing protein bars this past week. They may be slightly high in calories, but they keep us full for longer. For breakfast we have cheerios or oatmeal. We have created (or mimicked) some really good salads that use rice vinegar or lime juice for dressing (along with some oil, garlic and soy sauce). Our salads will have beef or chicken in them for protein. Mashed potatoes made with skim milk is only 35 calories per cup according to mfp. Center cut pork chops are also very low in calories. Since we live in the South one of our weekly meals is a small pork chop, collard greens and mashed potatoes. I can be full on less than 200 calories. We also like German food so we have chicken sausage (100 calories per link the size of a hot dog), mashed potatoes and saurkraut (sp?) Which is also very low in calories for a complete meal. Keep up the great work and know that if you every need support everyone on here will help you!
  • Rogers2088
    Rogers2088 Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning, Don Rogers Here, I have been doing this for 15 days and lost 10 lbs. I am to the point I don't want to eat those heavy foods, but sometimes I have to go out with friends and there it is all that wonder food I usto to like. So I order it but eat some of it to get the taste, then chow down on salads and (cucumbers) "check it out". And I end up giving the rest away or taking it home for tomorrow. Now you get the wonderful taste twice. Just remember that Wonderful taste is temperoary, but the pounds arn't. Good Luck, Health and Happiness to you Don:love::love:
  • Well back here again...BAD 1st day!!! Was scared I was going to deprive myself...soooo...didn't!! after recording all food and junk consumption...the little calculator said...if I continue to eat like that for the next 5wks...I would gain 7#..OH MY!!!...so trying to get my head on board with this ...today is a new day....maybe I need casts around both my elbows so my arms cant bend and I can cure my "hand to mouth disease"!!! lololol