The moment when you know you need to change things

district1986 Posts: 2
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Well very recently its hit me in the face that I need to change. I am a uk size 16 and I am sick of it. I hate these rolls on my body. The other day I was going to my nephew's party and I have all these expensive nice clothes that don't fit me sue to my weight gain.So I just ended up going in my boring clothes. I know its all my fault and I wasnt exactly slim when I met my boyfriend and he says he loves me and thinks I look great but he says he does want me to be healthy so nothing bad happens. I had a dream last night that I had diabetes. I have started my second year at university and already feel tired at the end of the day. At 25 I feel I should feel this rubbish all the time. I need to change!


  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Good for you! Glad you had that moment. Not a good moment, but one to remember. Mine was a culmination of things. About 3 years ago my doctor called me "obese." Like technically. I was about 172-178 lbs (read 78.02kg or 12.9 stone) at that time, I'm 5'3" that's not a good weight for my frame. Then there was a series of horrible pictures, that I might have liked, if they didn't reveal me as looking really big...they didn't fit my mind's image of what I thought I looked like and they blew me away--all fancied up for a bachelorette party (hen night) and all the pictures of me are massive, so pudgy my face looks different! (I don't know how much I weighed then)

    So I lost 30lbs (11.33kg or 1.79 stone) with weight watchers, the economy collapsed and I couldn't do that anymore, so her I am trying to take off the last 30. Welcome! Let's kick some weight to the curb!
  • One step at a time. Do you go for walks? If you do, step up the pace a bit and go for longer walks.
    If you do not regularly walk - START!!!! TODAY!!! even if it's raining. Especially if it's raining - (not in lightening storms however). Rain makes everything look so alive, including you.

    Walking helps your head clear and the juice will start to flow throughout your body cleaning out gunk and toxins. Walk for a few weeks, then add an exercise DVD - an EASY one at first, like Yoga Booty Ballet, which is fun and works. I lost 17 pounds in three months, over the celebratory winter holidays two years ago with Yoga Booty Ballet. That and a book I read: "Younger Next Year" which changed my lifestyle attitude for sure!!! Very good read.

    When you want MORE there is always Jillian Michaels, formerly of Biggest Loser in the USA. (-;

    AND - very important - DO COUNT CALORIES - this site really helps, but you have to DO IT!

    Best wishes for fitting into your pretty clothes sooner than later and staying healthy!
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    You've made the first step. Self awareness. Great realisation but bad assessment with having a go at yourself. With a little effort every day to log onto MFP, you can get lots of support and encouragement as well as find others who are in exactly the same situation as you. You need to find motivations for yourself and not look for them from your partner or others closest to you. Making an 'affirmation page' where you put several personal mantra's written down clearly for you to see daily. Put goals you can see, such as saving for a holiday, put a pic of the holiday place you want to go to. If you want to get a certain car, put up a pic of it. Write down affirmations such as.....

    I am strong
    I am beautiful
    I am capable
    I am sexy
    I am independent

    Find your own, read them daily and you will find your own support so easily from doing this. Add me as a friend and I will support you along the way too.

    What's your first goal? How do you want to start? Do you want to look at exercise, diet, lifestyle change? Happy to help support you in any area so long as it's something you want to do and are up for the personal challenge. Cheers and seriously, best of luck, you have made the first move to positive change in your life.

  • rhonda999
    rhonda999 Posts: 58 Member
    I absolutely love walking. I've taken more to hiking in the last year. I live in NC with lots of beautiful places to hike. Last summer I lost 25 pounds just walking trails, hills and all, really working up sweat. Three months ago I fractured my ankle pretty bad. Gained almost 20 pounds back. Just this week i started MFP and started slowly my walking back. I'm walking two miles at 3 mph just to start off with, wearing brace on my ankle. I will step that up after about a week and I hope by late winter/early spring I will be able to get back into the woods and mountains. I love the help I get with calorie counting on this website. I'm excited to get this weight off and get my stamina back!!
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