Weight loss wall, how do I get pass it?

I have hit my weight loss wall and I’m looking for suggestions on how to push myself pass it. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Tahru
    Tahru Posts: 58
    Just keep going, eat right, and exercise if you have. It'll eventually break down and you'll loose weight again!
    I was just there for three weeks x-x
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I've hit one too. Keep exercising and eating right, and the plateau will go away. I hit one a few weeks ago and it went away. The worst thing you can do is give up.
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    If your doing what has worked before...keep on doing it , it will eventually start moving again. Good luck!
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    put your scale away for a bit!
  • We all go through it!! I can't see your food Diary but go lower and cut more carbs. Ride a bike or jog that extra lap or block!
    Good luck....you'll be through it soon!!
  • Try changing up what you do.... stagger your calories a bit, change the style of workouts, which days, how often, etc...

  • These are all great answers and I concur. It's a seemingly strange process from time-to-time. Just stick with it and you will be good to go! I just recently went through the same thing myself.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I have experienced stalls and plateaus and it's tough, but you must stay with your program n not waiver.
    I found during those times it's good to look back on old pics or clothes and see how far you have come.
    I also took those times to learn about myself... not to mention my behaviours, but to really look at what you eat... if there are any changes for the good etc.
    During my plateaus now... which I find do not last long... i zig zag on my cals. i usually have 1200. so for a few days i will cut back 1-200 cal then go back to 1200... all the while exercising etc. I also zig zag on my protein... usally 7o-80 gr.. i up it by 10-20 grams... keepin in the cal limits. whether if this really tricks the body or not, i do not know... but I have kept losing.
    I always try to improve on whatever i do...eg walk... go a further distance in shorter time etc
  • Incorporate high intensity interval training into your weekly exercise program. For 30 seconds, so something that really gets your blood and lungs pumping and then take a 60 second break. Immediately continue another round of 30 seconds on, 60 second off. Suggested exercises are running in place, mountain climb, lunges, squats, jumping jacks, pushup, crunches, etc. Whatever you do for your 30 seconds on, mix it up. For it to be effective, do it at least 8 minutes and upto 20 minutes and 3 - 4 times a week. This changes your metabolism and will get you over this wall