Help or advice needed pls..

rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been sitting on the 200 mark for about 5 months now and it's beginning to drive me insane. I go from being 201 to 197 and anywhere inbetween. I count my cals (i was on 1500) plus exercise at least 3 times a week. I have now dropped my cals to 1200 but my BMR says i need 1595 each day so i make sure exercise or not that i eat that amount of cals. I dropped the calories because i sometimes go over and its easier if i go over and the cals are set at 1200 than if i go over and its et at 1500 - psychologically anyway. (also i do eat most of my exercise cals each time)

In the beginning (May 08) I lost the 30lbs nearly all at once between May and Aug and i was healthy and happy with the way it was going, everything was balanced. Then i got kinda lazy, things came up and i was happy to maintain for a while. I haven't really lost anything since September, and although i've been happy to maintain because i normally yo yo back up and more, but now i want to kcik start the weight loss as I have a lot more to lose.

Has anyone who had a lot of weight to lose, been in this position ? any advice would help. I think its maybe a mental block more than physical as I haven't been below this weight in a long time.

Thanks :):smile:


  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I have been sitting on the 200 mark for about 5 months now and it's beginning to drive me insane. I go from being 201 to 197 and anywhere inbetween. I count my cals (i was on 1500) plus exercise at least 3 times a week. I have now dropped my cals to 1200 but my BMR says i need 1595 each day so i make sure exercise or not that i eat that amount of cals. I dropped the calories because i sometimes go over and its easier if i go over and the cals are set at 1200 than if i go over and its et at 1500 - psychologically anyway. (also i do eat most of my exercise cals each time)

    In the beginning (May 08) I lost the 30lbs nearly all at once between May and Aug and i was healthy and happy with the way it was going, everything was balanced. Then i got kinda lazy, things came up and i was happy to maintain for a while. I haven't really lost anything since September, and although i've been happy to maintain because i normally yo yo back up and more, but now i want to kcik start the weight loss as I have a lot more to lose.

    Has anyone who had a lot of weight to lose, been in this position ? any advice would help. I think its maybe a mental block more than physical as I haven't been below this weight in a long time.

    Thanks :):smile:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    what about the kinds of food you're eating? Are you eating well? I don't think being at 1200 is the answer for you, but 1500 may be a bit high too. When I started here I weighed 209lbs and was eating around 1300cals a day. Now I eat closer to 1400 a day (plus exercise cals). If this has been ongoing I think you should speak to your doctor. Perhaps there is a medical/physical reason why you are stuck, and even if there isn't, I am sure s/he can help you to pinpoint what will work for you.:flowerforyou: good luck
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    hi, thanks for the reply.

    Yeh food maybe the problem actually I hadn't thought of that because I am still eating pretty much the same foods each day/week because I have got use to them and know the calories. Maybe I need to change that and bring in some new foods.

    I am under the care of a doctor for a health condition so they are monitoring my weight - they just said its a plateau and it will come off if i keep going.

    I think i will maybe make some new menu plans, also like you said i may be pitching my cals wrong - maybe i should try 1300 or 1400.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    you are very welcome. Have a look at what you're eating now. Is it high in sodium? how about carbs? try to lower those 2 things a bit and see if that helps. I naver had this problem myself but I know some have. I did have an issue with diet pop slowing me down with my losses though so try to kick that habit too (if applicable):flowerforyou:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I have been in a similar situation. I received a timex ironman watch for my b-day that measures heart rate and calories burned and it is suppose to be very accurate. I was surprised to learn I am burning more calories in a day than I thought, even if I took out the calories burned while I was exercising. MFP gives me apprx 1400 calories a day. I think my problem is that I am not eating enough. So I have slowly started to up my calories. Since I just started this and it's that time of the month I haven't weighed myself yet. But I do find I have more energy. I'll let you know in a week or so if I am making any progress.

    I do agree that seeing your doctor is a good idea. Everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Especially if you are on any medication or have had any health problems.

    Good luck :wink:
  • jennlos
    jennlos Posts: 200
    Whatever you are doing for you workouts change it up. YOur body might be too use to the routine and if you change it up and some intense workout you may get over your plateau. good luck
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    yeh i think i may need to adjust my eating and my exercise as im still buring the calories, but eating the same foods and although i exercise with a HRM i think i just need to reevaluate everything, maybe a new eating meal plan and some different exercise will help.

    I think i do eat too many carbs even though im within my allowance, i also need to drink water - im really bad at this and my medication may not be helping - so lots to think about.

    Thanks for all the advice :)
  • Hi
    I have lost a total of 125 pounds since 2002. That is the pounds I have kept off. My lowest wweight was 185. Nearly at my goal. I am now 206 down from nearly 209 on the 5th of Jan. I was at 185 last spring and I let stress get to me. But I am back on track and the thing that helps me the most is the journaling and exercise.

    DO NOT GO BELOW what it tells you to eat. Your body needs those calories and it will only make things harder cutting them to low. But eat you calories spread out over the day. Eat more than 3 times a day be sure and snack healthily. You can do this! Good luck

    56 Mother of 15 and grandmother of 28
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Thank you so much for all your advice, after plateauing for nearly 6 months i made a few changes last week and shockingly saw the scales drop a pound, i was so happy i know its only a pound but it means things are moving and that is all i wanted, its motivated me to up my exercise and be happy again about this weight loss issue, i am hoping to really get going again this year and im ready to let more pounds go.

    Thanks and good luck to everyone!!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    The workout thing has ususally been the culprit for me in the past. My body adjusts to whatever workout I am doing and becomes more efficient, burning less...darn body!. I try to do a different workout 4 x week, pilates, yoga, fast walking, hiking, cardio step class, weight training DVD. It helps me to change things up. Good luck!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am sorry your in a plateau! I was in one for 8 weeks. I was eating 1200 cals, every exercise cal, and doing the same thing I had been for 5 months.

    One day I ate 1800 cals and this broke my plateau.

    I then changed my exercise plan. I like to walk, so I added intervals while walking. Stopped and did knees up 30 times each leg...walk 1/4 mile...kick backs 30 x each leg.....added arms in bicep curl motion...etc.

    I also upped my cals. If you think about it all the talk of muscle weighing more than fat has a metabolic side to it also. Muscles needs more calories as fuel. So if I went from 0 exercise to 4 x a week and lifting weights, my body is made of different material now (Yipee!!!)

    So now at 141 pounds I am eating 1400 cals and every exercise cal I can get!!! :laugh:

    Good luck to you. I am so proud of the way you have stuck with it and made your body healthier!
  • rrmudd
    rrmudd Posts: 12
    Wow! You sound exactly like me. I have been in the same boat as you these last several months. I saw my doctor because I was feeling rather yucky too. Emotionally and physically. We checked a number of things off the list with blood test and what it came down to was not getting enough sleep. I already knew that I wasn't sleeping well but I didn't understand how those lost hours of sleep would effect me in so many ways. I was having cravings like mad, I felt like I was PMSing all the time, my weight loss stalled and I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything for any length of time. All this because I was sleeping only 4 hours a night for 6 weeks or more. It's taking me several weeks of good sleep to begin to feel like normal again. I'm exercising again and watching what I eat and making sure that I get my 7 to 8 hours of sleep (even if I have to take a nap to get it). Winter is hard time too so make sure that you can get some sunlight too. It plays a big part on how your body reacts too. Good Luck
    PS To get a better night rest I take a detox bath about an hour before bed along with an herbal tea for calmness (Yogi Tea) and melatonin pill in the evening.
    Detox bath: 1 cup of epson salt with baking soda and a calming scent such as lavendar.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    hey thanks for the posts. I am eating too few cals at the moment, im feeling hungry like i haven't in months so im going to up the calories. I did drop a pound this week, but i also upped the exercise using my HRM to check i am working enough, i think my body adapted to the exercise too.

    As far as the sleeping issue goes, thats really interesting because i am a terrible sleeper, always have been, i worry and stay awake all night. Lately i have been especially bad and it makes me pick in the day because my energy levels are low, so this is definitely something i am going to watch closely. Maybe if i take the hot baths and herbal teas i can get some better sleep.

    Thanks so much for all the helpful comments, last week i felt like i didn't know what to do and now i feel like i have lots of little changes to make - its work in progress.

  • nades33
    nades33 Posts: 14
    sleep is number one...your body needs it to get to where you want it to be. Are you drinking enough water throughout the day? And like others have said do not go below your calorie requirement this will only make things harder to get weight off and keep it off. Alo with cravings...try taking Fish will feed your brain with what it needs to be productive and help lessen the cravings....I also drink crystal light that really seems to help me with the sweet cravings.....hope that helps...good luck and keep it up.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    yeh i tried the herbal tea and hot bath and slept well last night, I also went back on to the goals section and changed my goals, it had me down doing 7 x 90 minute workouts a week, i don;t know why, but when i entered my height, weight etc correctly and put in that i do 3 x 60 mins workouts a week and want to lose 1 pound a week it states i need to eat 1650 cals a day which seems a lot for me. But maybe i just need to follow it because being down on 1200 was making me miserable even though i was eating my exercise cals aswell.

    Does 1650 seem about right? I think i should follow what it says but i dont want to put weight on.

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