aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
OK so I know this sounds weird. But I have finally been back on my diet for almost 2 weeks now, but now my parents are coming up. I need you rhelp for me to have a list of reasons to not go crazy with food and slack of on INSANITY. I have a problem with this. for some weird reason I always fall of the band wagon when they come up.

I know this is bad but I know that I will fall of if I dont get support from on here.

Any advice on how to stay on track is helpful also. thanks in advance.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Just come right out and tell them you decided to eat healthier. Cook them a healthy meal. You don't have to eat out. Plan some activities that do not include eating. Is there a farm in your area that is having a hay ride or something seasonal. A trip to the zoo?
    Something where you can burn some calories just in case you have to eat out.
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    I know how it feels. Every time my mother comes to visit she always wants to take me out to eat. Just order healthy and don't be afraid to leave food on your plate. Good luck.
  • Say, Mom, Dad, I'm losing weight, you can eat what I eat, or you can eat what you want to eat, but I need your support to stay on this so I don't ruin the progress I've already had.

    Also, if you over eat, work your butt off burning those calories before bed or early in the morning :-) That's what I like to do!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    If they are coming to YOUR place, then YOU are in charge of what is being prepared.... You dont owe them any explanation hun.... and if they decide that it would be good to go out for dinner, make suggestions to the places you know ahead of time, you can safely make good food-choices...

    Even parents dont have the right to criticize your better eating habits... I have to remind my mother all the time that its not her place to judge or comment.... but, hopefully your parents arent like my mother who feels she has to push and push and push until you give in... I grab my car keys and get ready to leave if she pulls that crap... I wont be bullied into eating everything... hell no!
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    Well, if you do decide to go out to eat, which is how my family can make better choices. If you go out for Mexican food, get the fajitas, no tortillas though...and stay away from the chips and salsa. You also need to be honest with them and tell them of your decision to make a lifestyle change and who wouldn't be proud of you for it?! You might even be able to encourage them to take the same steps that you are to being happy and healthy! Good luck!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    I have been visiting my mom at her home for 9 days now (I leave tomorrow). She's very aware of quest to get healthier and so I've cooked just about every meal we've eaten (we did go out to dinner once and I'm sure we'll go out for lunch tomorrow before my flight) and I found a local gym that does $5 day passes for guests and have been either going there or walking and using my mom's exercise equipment everyday I've been here.

    You can stick with your goals if you really want to. This should be a lifestyle change which means its got to fit into your life no matter what it throws at you. It'd be easy if nothing ever came up, but that's not how it works. You just have to make the decision to make time for yourself no matter what the situation. :smile:

    You can do this! Just take it one day at a time.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Just tell them. But also, its your parents, and sounds like a fun weekend. Don't just stress over eating, or your going to freak out. Relax.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    You have alraedy identified their visit as a challenge to stay on your diet, so meet the challenge head on and beat it - when you do you'll be really proud of yourself.

    One thing i started doing when I visit with my parents (and this may or may not apply depending on your parents) was to try and use MYSELF as motivation for THEM. In my particular case, they are both diabetic, and need to lose weight and i figure if they see me eating healthier and know i am going to the gym etc, and see me losing the weight, then they will (maybe, hopefully) follow suit and get themselves healthier.
  • look up the nutritional content of foods at the restaurants where you are most likely to eat and have a meal in mind so that wherever you decide to go, you already know what to order and that it fits in your calories for the day! I did that for girls night at Chili's, and though it was tough, I found two things I could eat without feeling bad, then gave the rice side dish to someone else and just ate the fish and veggies! had a great time and didnt feel pressured!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Just come right out and tell them you decided to eat healthier. Cook them a healthy meal. You don't have to eat out. Plan some activities that do not include eating. Is there a farm in your area that is having a hay ride or something seasonal. A trip to the zoo?
    Something where you can burn some calories just in case you have to eat out.

    Awesome post.

    Adam another thing you can do is go fruit and/or veggie picking. Include them in your healthy lifestyle.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    When I was overweight, my parents worried that I was diabetic, had high blood pressure and I was going to die before them (I probably was!) NOW -- I turn it on them ..... I cook healthy food and they eat whatever I put on the table. I pick on their high sodium crap (my dad has had a triple bypass). Maybe they regret pushing me because now they get told how to eat :)

    PS There are so many healthy recipes -- they won't even know! If you're not a cook -- just figure out where you'll eat ahead of time and look up the menu online -- plan your outings. Also, everyone deservers a little treat now and then.. maybe you just enjoy the time with them and get back to work when they leave.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    This is something I struggle with too. My parents and in laws are both the type to spoil me with yummy food. Last big trip I exercised like a demon to make up the calorie difference.

    Maybe make some very simple rules for the weekend. Maybe:
    No drinking calories - only water.
    If you are going to have dessert have a small healthy meal first. and then 1 serving of dessert.
    You can only have 1 serving of whatever and then your done.

    Stick to it cause Monday you will feel proud! You can really show your parents how awesome you are doing,

    *One random piece of advice - don't talk to much about weight loss or specific numbers. Talk about eating healthy, to feel better. For some reason people like to form opinions about weight and numbers - but I have yet to have anyone argue my choices b/c it makes me feel healthy :)
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Walk, walk, walk. It's a great way to spend time with the folks. Eat, but focus on time with them rather than food. Drive, check out the sites. Carve pumpkins--I'll bet it's been a while since they've done something like that! Involve them in a "project", asking their opinions about it--like putting a flower bed or new shrub in your yard or window box. Book stores are always good--lots of magazines and books of all subjects to pour over and discuss. Museum or botanical garden visits are good as well.
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    Just come right out and tell them you decided to eat healthier. Cook them a healthy meal. You don't have to eat out. Plan some activities that do not include eating. Is there a farm in your area that is having a hay ride or something seasonal. A trip to the zoo?
    Something where you can burn some calories just in case you have to eat out.

    I will dif. try that. I have a 8 month old son, and what grandparent wouldnt like going to the ZOO with there grandkid.
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    Say, Mom, Dad, I'm losing weight, you can eat what I eat, or you can eat what you want to eat, but I need your support to stay on this so I don't ruin the progress I've already had.

    Also, if you over eat, work your butt off burning those calories before bed or early in the morning :-) That's what I like to do!

    Will do thanks for the advice
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    If they are coming to YOUR place, then YOU are in charge of what is being prepared.... You dont owe them any explanation hun.... and if they decide that it would be good to go out for dinner, make suggestions to the places you know ahead of time, you can safely make good food-choices...

    Even parents dont have the right to criticize your better eating habits... I have to remind my mother all the time that its not her place to judge or comment.... but, hopefully your parents arent like my mother who feels she has to push and push and push until you give in... I grab my car keys and get ready to leave if she pulls that crap... I wont be bullied into eating everything... hell no!

    OK, You are so right I will stick to it.
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    You have alraedy identified their visit as a challenge to stay on your diet, so meet the challenge head on and beat it - when you do you'll be really proud of yourself.

    One thing i started doing when I visit with my parents (and this may or may not apply depending on your parents) was to try and use MYSELF as motivation for THEM. In my particular case, they are both diabetic, and need to lose weight and i figure if they see me eating healthier and know i am going to the gym etc, and see me losing the weight, then they will (maybe, hopefully) follow suit and get themselves healthier.

    will do that. I have lost over 10 pounds since they last saw me so I hope I can push them to start it up also.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Just come right out and tell them you decided to eat healthier. Cook them a healthy meal. You don't have to eat out. Plan some activities that do not include eating. Is there a farm in your area that is having a hay ride or something seasonal. A trip to the zoo?
    Something where you can burn some calories just in case you have to eat out.

    I will dif. try that. I have a 8 month old son, and what grandparent wouldnt like going to the ZOO with there grandkid.

    I'm a Grammy and can not wait to take my new grandson on his first trip to the zoo..
  • RONI11
    RONI11 Posts: 29 Member
    Think of all the progress you've made these last couple of weeks. Do you really want to mess it up and have to start ALL OVER? You can do this. You have control of what you eat. Cook some fabulous healthy meals or if you go out there's always smart choices to pick from. YOU CAN DO THIS :)
  • Cook some stellar meals for them that are healthy! If you go out to eat once or twice just make the best choice possible! They will love your determination!
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